Outside built-up areas, goods vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes as well as all vehicles towing a trailer may use the left-hand lane only if they change to this lane for the purpose of turning left. Electrically powered vehicles may use a dedicated bus lane only if this is indicated by a supplementary sign. They may be driven across the central island if this does not pose any danger to other road users. These offenses can land you both a fine of up to 70 and a point on your license. A person operating a vehicle must not cross or straddle the continuous line. They can also give positive instructions or indicate a prohibition. Germanys traffic laws and fines are exacting but fair. sign 311 or 310-40. For this purpose, they must inform at least the persons referred to above (paragraph 6(a)) or a nearby police station that they were involved in the accident and must provide their own address, their present whereabouts as well as the registration number and location of the vehicle that was involved in the accident, which must be kept available for immediate investigation for a reasonable length of time. German Traffic regulations establish a speed limit of 130 kph (74 mph) unless otherwise posted for a normal POV on roads outside city limits. may indicate the length over which the hazard extends. On a six lane road - the minimum speed for the fast lane is 110 km/h, middle lane is 90 km/h, and slow lane is 60 km/h. Unlike many countries, Germany also has minimum speed limits. in connection with the marking of parking facilities for residents of urban neighbourhoods with a serious lack of parking space, by reserving parking space, either at all times or at certain times of the day, for those entitled to park there, or by issuing orders exempting them from parking management schemes in force; 3. for the marking of pedestrian precincts and traffic-calmed areas; 4. for the maintenance of safety and order in these areas; and. In general, speed limits in Germany are based on kilometers per hour or "km/h". (1) Road users may give audible and light signals only if: (2) A person operating a regular service bus or a school bus marked as such must switch on the vehicles hazard warning lights when approaching a bus stop and for as long as passengers are boarding or alighting if the authority responsible for road traffic under federal state law (road traffic authority) has ordered such a measure for certain bus stops. If necessary, the competent authority may demand the presentation of an expert opinion at the expense of the applicant. A person wishing to turn left may only take up a position on rails running parallel to the road if they do not impede a rail-borne vehicle. Germany is known as the country with 'no limits' on their Autobahn. A person operating a vehicle must neither endanger nor impede pedestrians; if necessary, they must wait. Jail for drug-driving in Germany is unlikely unless there was a serious accident or injury. Read all about speed limits and most important safety rules. Special consideration must be shown towards pedestrians; if necessary, vehicles must wait. Permission under section 29(3) shall be granted by the road traffic authority in whose district the movement requiring permission begins, or by the road traffic authority in whose district the applicant has their residence, their place of business or a branch office. This is without prejudice to section 1(2) and section 2(3) in conjunction with Annex 3 of the Regulations on the marking of motor vehicles with a low contribution to the pollution level of 10 October 2006 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2218), as amended by Article 1 of the Regulations of 5 December 2007 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2793). Domestic and farm animals that may endanger traffic shall be kept off the road. German Autobahns famously have no universal speed limit. False Explanation If amber or red light signals show, section 37(2)(1) applies mutatis mutandis. (1b) The road traffic authorities shall also make the arrangements required: 2a. The only thing that makes the German Autobahn famous is NO SPEED LIMIT. on sections of road that are narrow and where visibility is restricted; in front of and on officially marked access roads for fire engines; before and after intersections and junctions up to a distance of 5 metres from the intersection points of the carriageway edges; where it would block access to marked parking spaces; in front of entrances to and exits from properties bordering on the road; on narrow roads also opposite such entrances and exits; over manhole covers and other such covers, where parking on the footway is permitted by sign 315 or by marked parking spaces (Annex 2, number 74); in exclusively or generally residential areas. (1c) In addition, the road traffic authorities shall designate, in agreement with the local authority, 30 kph zones within built-up areas, especially in residential areas and areas with a high density of pedestrians and pedal cyclists and where a large number of persons have to cross the road. What is the leading cause of traffic accidents? The only vehicles exempt from this prohibition are those which, because of their dimensions, would otherwise be unable to use the roundabout. Particular consideration must be shown towards pedestrians. Whether or not you will be allowed to drive is dependent on a variety of factors, the information for which you would be better off contacting an embassy. A green arrow on the left-hand side after an intersection indicates that oncoming traffic is signalled to stop by a red light and that vehicles wishing to turn left may enter or clear the intersection unhindered in the direction of the green arrow. (2) The following authorities are responsible for the granting of exemptions: (3) Permission for the exceptional use of roads by the Federal Armed Forces, the forces referred to in section 35(5), the Federal Police, the police forces and disaster control services shall be granted by the higher administrative authority or the agency designated under the relevant federal state legislation in whose district the movement requiring permission begins. Use of Horns and Other Warning Devices 25. German law takes an equally dim view of being under the influence of drugs while driving too. The law also requires the cost of . Vehicles that have already got into the correct lanes may also be overtaken on the right. Left-hand cycle tracks without sign 237, 240 or 241 may not be used unless this is indicated by the supplementary standalone sign with the legend Radverkehr frei (for use by cyclists). (1a) To grant privileges to electrically powered vehicles in general , the road traffic authorities may, by means of supplementary signs, allow exemptions from traffic restrictions, traffic prohibitions or diversions referred to in section 45(1)(3), section 45(1a) and section 45(1b)(5), first alternative. Signs 150, 153, 353, 380, 381, 388 and 389 installed before 1 April 2013 shall remain valid until 31 October 2022. Before getting on the road, review the list below to better understand the rules around United States road signs and stop lights. (3) A person wishing to turn off must allow oncoming vehicles to pass; they must allow rail-borne vehicles, motorized cycles and pedal cycles to pass even when they are travelling in the same direction on or alongside the carriageway. These safety devices must be affixed to the load not higher than 1.5 metres above the carriageway. The German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) analyzed the effects of a speed limit of 120 km/h on Autobahns between 2010 and 2014. The low emission zone is marked on the basis of section 45(1f). If, within built-up areas, they use the carriageway, they must walk on the right- or left-hand edge of the carriageway; outside built-up areas, they must walk on the left-hand edge of the carriageway if they can reasonably be expected to do so. The same shall apply if these tasks of the higher administrative authority are performed by another authority. - Answer- No speed limit 130 kph (80 mph) 120 kph (74 mph) 100 kph (62 mph) Inside city limits, drivers may indicate their intention to pass by flashing headli. The necessary orders shall be issued no later than three months after receipt of the traffic sign plan. 100 kph for motor coaches and buses without a trailer: the rear lights of the motor vehicle in front are clearly visible and a sufficient distance is maintained between the vehicles; it is possible to recognize in good time the course of the carriageway thanks to guiding devices provided with reflectors and, together with external light sources, to identify obstacles on the road. When crossing, they must pay attention to vehicles approaching from both directions. At the same time, speed limits can be a source of frustration and confusion; for example, not all drivers like . In places where clarification is necessary, sign 205 may be installed. If you do not have the proper lighting on your bike, you will have to fork out a fine of up to 25. Red: Stop in front of the intersection. A 2017 report by the Federal Road Research Institute found that 70,4 percent of the German autobahn network had only an advisory speed limit, 6,2 percent had temporary speed limits due to the weather or traffic conditions, and 23,4 percent had permanent speed limits. Proof of compliance with the time limit must be furnished by displaying a parking disc. The prohibition is restricted to commercial vehicle through traffic where the vehicles, including their trailers, have a maximum authorized mass exceeding 12 tonnes. There is a great deal of commerce on German roads, and a driver can usually expect to find a mixture of fast-moving cars and slow moving trucks. (3) Subject to the proviso in the second sentence, informatory signs are sited at the place where or from where the instruction is to be complied with. Verges do not constitute part of the carriageway. During overtaking, a sufficient lateral distance must be kept from other road users, particularly pedestrians and pedal cyclists. Children under 12 years old and smaller than 1.5 meters may not sit in the front seat unless they are in an approved child safety seat. They are permitted there only if accompanied by suitable persons who are able to control them to the necessary degree. A flashing amber arrow pointing diagonally downwards means: Change lanes in the direction indicated by the arrow. Permission to park only applies if the pay-and-display ticket, parking disc or special permit is displayed or affixed such that it is clearly legible. The start of the section of road on which parking is permitted may be indicated by a horizontal white arrow on the sign pointing towards the carriageway, and the end may be indicated by such an arrow pointing away from the carriageway. (5) A person operating a vehicle must not stop on a lane with lane control signals. Any case of drink-driving where the blood alcohol is 1.10 or higher will automatically result in a six month ban from driving and a fine of at least 500. (1) Vehicles must use the carriageways; on dual carriageways they must use the right-hand carriageway. (6) Road users using dipped headlights on a motorway need not adjust their speed to the range of their dipped headlights if: (7) Making U-turns and reversing are prohibited. Exemptions from the prohibition of carrying passengers on the load area or in load compartments of goods vehicles (section 21(2)) may be granted for the services of the Federal Armed Forces, of the international headquarters established on the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty, the Federal Police and the police forces by their respective competent authorities, and for disaster control services by the appropriate authorities of the individual federal states. An advisory speed limit is a speed recommendation by a governing body, . (7a) Vehicles operated by companies that provide universal services under section 11 of the Postal Act in conjunction with section 1(1) of the Universal Postal Services Regulations or vehicles operated by companies that provide these universal services on their behalf (subcontractors) may, in derogation from Annex 2, no 21 (sign 242.1), also use pedestrian zones outside the hours shown on supplementary signs for access by residents and vehicles making deliveries if this is necessary for making punctual collections from post boxes of for collecting letters in stationary facilities. (2) The competent top-level federal state authorities or the agencies designated under the relevant federal state legislation may grant exemptions from all the provisions of the present Regulations for certain applicants, either for specific individual cases or generally. Guide curbs and guide separators perform the function of a temporarily applicable marking and are yellow. They are normally white. a) A supplementary sign may restrict parking to electrically powered vehicles.b) A supplementary sign may exempt electrically powered vehicles from the requirement to display a pay-and-display ticket or parking disc.c) A supplementary sign may impose a time limit on parking for electrically powered vehicles Proof of compliance with the time limit must be furnished by displaying a parking disc. In all other cases, the rules governing use of the carriageway and right of way apply. Drugs and Alcohol 27. Explanation You will also be banned for one month (minimum) and receive six points on your license. For state highways, the statute establishes a maximum speed limit of 60 mph, or up to 75 mph under RCW 46.61.410. Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers. Outside built-up areas, they may with the consent of the competent top-level federal state authorities raise the maximum permissible speed under section 3(3)(2) to 120 kph by using sign 274. (2) Drivers and riders must always keep as far to the right as possible, not only when traffic is approaching from the opposite direction, when being overtaken, when approaching the brow of a hill, on bends or when their view ahead is obstructed. All other road users must make way immediately. (6) A person driving a vehicle that is being overtaken must not increase the vehicles speed. German Traffic regulations establish a speed limit of 130 kph (74 mph) unless otherwise posted for a normal POV on roads outside city limits. It may be indicated in advance by the same sign with a supplementary sign stating the distance. (3a) Permission under section 29(3) shall be granted by the competent road traffic authority; however, if there is no consultation, it shall be granted by the higher administrative authority responsible for approving deviations from dimensions, axle loads, the maximum authorized mass and the field of vision of a vehicle by way of exemption; in this case, it shall also be responsible for exemptions under section 46(1)(2) and (5) within the scope of such permission. Worded legends and traffic signs on the carriageway warn or remind road users of a mounted traffic sign. Pedestrians must be neither endangered nor impeded. The third sentence does not apply to: In addition, the third sentence does not apply to restrictions and prohibitions imposed on moving traffic by the first sentence of subsection (1) or paragraph 3 of the second sentence of subsection (1) to remedy or mitigate serious impacts of changes to traffic conditions resulting from the levying of tolls under the Federal Trunk Road Toll Act. Nor must they be impeded. . Anyone failing to observe traffic rules shall, on receipt of a summons from the road traffic authority or from officials designated by it, be obliged to attend a training course on road user behaviour. They apply up to the next intersection or junction on the same side of the road or until other instructions are given by traffic signs for stationary vehicles. (1) Flashing blue lights together with a siren may only be used in cases of the utmost urgency in order to save human life, to ward off serious damage to health or danger to public safety and order, to pursue persons on the run or to protect objects of great value. (4) Pedestrians must not climb over barriers such as railings or chains. In derogation from section 5b(1) of the Road Traffic Act, the costs of signs 386.1, 386.2 and 386.3 shall be borne by the person requesting their installation. Horse riders, persons accompanying horses or livestock and drovers are subject mutatis mutandis to the rules and regulations uniformly applicable to vehicular traffic as a whole. The permit, ticket or disc must be displayed or affixed such that it is clearly legible. = 15 * 3/20 (2) They may overtake only if they can see that, during the entire overtaking manoeuvre, they will in no way impede oncoming traffic. At intersections and junctions within the zone, the right of way rule described in the first sentence of section 8(1) (vehicles from the right have priority over vehicles from the left) must always apply. On variable message signs, the white areas may, in derogation from the signs illustrated below, be black and the black symbols and the black border may be white if these signs are only produced by lamps. This is the lowest standard speed limit among the German states. Valid as from 1 April 2013) as last amended on 30 November 2016 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2848. (2) Permission is required for events involving motor vehicles if they are likely to cause a disturbance during the night. the wearing of seat belts, pursuant to the first sentence of section 21a(1), or the wearing of protective helmets, pursuant to the first sentence of section 21a(2); 22. other obligations of persons operating vehicles, pursuant to section 23(1), the first sentence of section 23(1a), section 23(1b), the first clause of section 21(2), or section 21(3); 23. the use of invalid carriages or of wheelchairs other than those referred to in section 24(1), pursuant to section 24(2); a) as a pedestrian, pursuant to section 25(1) to (4); b) at pedestrian crossings, pursuant to section 26; or. in contravention of the fourth sentence of section 35(6), does not wear highvisibility clothing; in contravention of section 35(8), exercises special rights without having due regard to public safety and order; 2. in contravention of section 45(6), starts work without previously obtaining instructions, does not observe these instructions or does not operate traffic light signals; 3. in contravention of the first sentence of section 46(3), does not observe an enforceable condition of the exemption or permission; 4. in contravention of the third sentence of section 46(3), also in conjunction with the fourth sentence, does not carry with them the notices of exemption or permission, printouts or a digitized version thereof or fails to present them or make them visible when requested to do so; 5. in contravention of section 48, does not follow a summons to attend a remedial training course; 6. in contravention of section 50, operates a motor vehicle or rides a pedal cycle on the island of Helgoland; The operation of motor vehicles and the riding of pedal cycles are prohibited on the island of Helgoland. Road users other than pedestrians must not use the pedestrian zone. Regulatory Sign - A sign that gives notice to road users of traffic laws or regulations. Vehicle class. German traffic regulations establish a recommended speed limit of 130 km/h unless otherwise posted for a normal POV on the autobahn. Nor must a road user who is obliged to give way substantially impede a road user who has the right of way when the latter turns into the other road. Nevertheless, there are more traffic deaths in Germany than some other European countries, such as the UK or the Netherlands. Pedal cyclists must not use the carriageway; they must use the shared route for pedestrians and pedal cycles (mandatory use of cycle tracks). At traffic light signals with cycle facilities without separate light signals controlling pedal cyclists, pedal cyclists must, until 31 December 2016, continue to obey the light signals controlling pedestrians if a cycle crossing is adjacent to a pedestrian crossing. This exemption only applies if the permit is displayed or affixed such that it is clearly legible. Individual bars or poles, horizontally placed slabs and other poorly visible objects must not project at the sides. If necessary, a person operating a vehicle must wait. (3) If visibility is seriously reduced owing to fog, snowfall or rain, dipped headlights must also be used during the hours of daylight. Branch Office Germany Driving the autobahn in Germany truly is a modern time driving adventure. A person operating a vehicle may park here. (7a) The crews of vehicles used for breakdown and recovery services and for the preparation of towing operations may, if danger is imminent, place traffic cones (sign 610) at the site of the breakdown for their own safety, to protect the broken-down vehicle and to ensure the safety of other traffic. (3) Lane control signals above a lane close the lane to traffic or indicate that it is available to traffic. In the face of concerns about safety and the environment, however, the . (2) Scythes, mowing blades or similarly dangerous tools shall be effectively cased or sheathed. License plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor Vehicles automatically become the driver''s property. (4) Officially approved warning markers may be used to mark, in accordance with the second and third sentences of section 17(4), vehicles and trailers parked on the carriageway within built-up areas. The German Autobahn is the only stretch of motorway in Europe where many sections don't have a speed limit, although maximum speeds of 130km per hour are recommended. (3) If, due to slow-moving traffic, a level crossing cannot be crossed speedily and without stopping, road users must wait in front of the St Andrews Cross. The law typically considers a small amount of marijuana as no more than 6-10g. The highway authorities shall subject to other instructions issued by the road traffic authorities determine the manner of installation and design, such as larger sizes and illumination; the decision as to whether delineators are to be installed shall be taken by them alone. Parking is prohibited within 5 meters of a railroad crossing. Sign 201-50 St. Andrew's cross indicating railroad crossing. Reference is made to serial no 70 in Annex 2. Vehicles that can be easily removed from the carriageway, such as motorcycles, motorized cycles, pedal cycles, invalid carriages, single-axle tractor units, single-axle trailers, hand carts or unharnessed horse-drawn vehicles, must not be left on the carriageway without lighting during the hours of darkness. (1) An individual operating a vehicle on a highway shall operate that vehicle at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other condition existing at the time. 37,330,850 questions answered GET Answers. They take precedence over the instructions given by fixed traffic signs. the first sentence does not apply to buses and coaches with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes; children aged three and over may be restrained on rear seats using the seat belts required by law if it is not possible to fit further child restraints because other children are being restrained using child restraint systems; persons engaged in door-to-door operations if they have to regularly leave their vehicle at short intervals within the area in which they are providing their services or delivering goods; vehicles travelling at walking pace, e.g. Passengers must not be carried on the load area or in load compartments of a lorry. (1) Anyone violating, either deliberately or negligently, a provision governing: 1. general road user behaviour, pursuant to section 1(2); 2. the use of the road by vehicles, pursuant to section 2(1) to (3a), the first, fifth or sixth sentence of section 2(4) or section 2(5); 4. the distance between vehicles, pursuant to section 4; 5. overtaking, pursuant to section 5(1) or (2), section (5)(3)(1), section 5(3a) to (4a), the second sentence of section 5(5), section 5(6) or (7); 7. the use of left-hand lanes, pursuant to the first sentence of section 7(3a), also in conjunction with the second sentence of section 7(3b), the third sentence of section 7(3c), or lane changing, pursuant to section 7(5); 7a. (2) Close formations as well as funeral and other processions must, at suitable intervals, leave adequate space for other traffic to pass through if this becomes necessary on account of their length; this traffic must not drive through them at any other places. More information about the use of these pages general terms and conditions of use and how we treat your personal data data.privacy policy. (5) The leader of the formation must make sure that the provisions applicable to close formations are observed. Speed limits in School Zones. Pedestrians must not unnecessarily impede vehicular traffic. This is without prejudice to the provisions governing the prohibitions of stopping and parking. Pedestrians may use the road over its entire width; children are allowed to play everywhere. Explanation Furthermore, they may overtake only if they travel at a speed substantially higher than that of the vehicle to be overtaken. (3) Up to a height of 2.5 metres, the load must not project beyond the front of the vehicle or, in the case of combinations of vehicles, beyond the front of the towing vehicle. A person operating a vehicle must not park vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 2.8 tonnes on footways. Vehicles may then approach only at a moderate speed; if necessary, they must wait. is prohibited between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. as well as on Sundays and public holidays. (paras 30a (3) (c) and (d)) Vehicles 1 and 2. a) up to 5 metres before and after this sign within built-up areas (signs 310 and 311); b) up to 50 metres before and after this sign outside built-up areas. If, in order to enhance the smooth flow of traffic or road safety, the signs are sited at a certain distance from the place at which it becomes compulsory to comply with them, this distance is indicated on a supplementary sign. Both prohibitory signs and mandatory signs are canceled by black and white circular signs. Under the bill, LTAs may not set a speed limit lower than 20 mph unless (1) the speed limit is part of a pedestrian safety zone (see below) or (2) the engineering study indicates a speed limit lower than 25 mph is reasonable. (1) Light signals take precedence over priority rules and traffic signs regulating priority. (4a) Where parking on the footway is permitted, only the right-hand footway, in oneway streets the right-hand or the left-hand footway, is to be used for this purpose. The 85 th percentile speed is the speed that 85 percent of drivers travel at or below and is one of the best indicators of a reasonable and safe speed. (3) Exemptions and permission may be granted subject to revocation and secondary provisions (conditions, time limits, requirements). German speeding fines and Points in Flensburg, Road Traffic Department (Strassenverkehrsamt), Luko Cover SAS, Before crossing a carriageway, the children and the responsible person accompanying them must dismount. Traffic moving in the opposite direction on the same carriageway must also pass the vehicle at walking pace. (1) At dusk, during the hours of darkness and at dawn or when visibility so requires, the lighting devices prescribed must be used. combined port/road goods transport between the point o. c) fresh fish, live fish and fresh fish products; 3. journeys made by empty vehicles in connection with journeys referred to under (2) above; 4. journeys made by vehicles employed according to the Federal Requisitioning Act. This means you can pay but you may still need to buy a ticket, such as pay and display. Groups of children and young people must walk on the footway, as far as this is possible. Using Traffic Lanes 21. If there is a cycle track physically separated from the carriageway, children under eight years of age may, by derogation from the first sentence, also use this cycle track. (3a) If, on a carriageway for traffic in both directions, a total of three lanes are marked by lane markings (sign 340), the left-hand lane, which is solely for the use of oncoming traffic, and the middle lane must not be used for overtaking. More than 15 cyclists may form a close formation. It is taken very seriously, with the potential for huge fines, driving bans, and even jail time. (7) Measuring vehicles operated by the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (section 1 of the Act on the Federal Network Agency) may be driven and stop on all roads or parts of roads at any time if this is necessary for the performance of their statutory functions. This combination may only be used together with sign 253. 2009, a different reference speed could be posted by the traffic signs number 380 and 381, according to 42 of the German traffic code (Straenverkehrsordnung, StVO), as seen above. 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