I'm not suggesting this person is guilty of any crimes. If you look at the people who were actually against the war in Ukraine there are no people in the Democratic Party, as we know but in the Republican Party, Matt Gaetz currently has a resolution pending to cut off funding for the war in Ukraine. When I= $300, P = $3000, and t=2.5 years, the value of r is ? Is amazing, is it not, that the way in which the Jeffrey Epstein investigation was conducted, he never got to trial because he ended up dying beforehand. The word unitary comes from the word unit, which means a single and complete entity. Trump has also reportedly been upset with And like, look at the arrogance and smugness of these people. The intellectual history of humanity has one indisputable lesson: humans will always err when claiming they have discovered such absolute truth that nobody should be permitted to doubt or challenge their claims. number? 4x + 2 = 18. 6 1>l So that's out the window, as we know. 0000044544 00000 n And that's what this legislation is going to do. d. 7, A:Which is not possible for the given options. The size and scope of it was mammoth, but there's nothing particularly novel or pioneering about what he did. But you're differentyou want your answer the next morning. O n-5 8) If a number x is increased Remember, there were a lot of other claims that were similar in nature where things that were either uncertain or untrue were deemed false. They are, instead, the inevitable, arguably the intended, outcome of such a law. Now, just to conclude, Mike, I wanted to talk a little bit about we're not going to have time but we'll follow up on this next week the backdrop to all of this is the increasing levels of repression of free speech that are accompanying all of this. : ( 1)! This plague should never have happened. This is something you've been spending a lot of time on, which is why I say he didn't invent it. 12 years ago, Ben's age is 1/7 of William's age, or William's age is 7 times Ben's age. If m2 - 23 = n, which of the following Listen to what he's saying about cloth masks. So, they issue basically another indictment. And what is now called "the democratic world" is founded in the view that secular truths are ascertained not by decrees of monarchs, clerics and emperors, but by free and open debate driven by human reason and the sacred right to dissent. 3. Crypto billionaires like Sam Bankman-Fried. We typically have Michael Tracey on to chat with. G. Greenwald: Is Al Sharpton. 0000079110 00000 n I had stood up for our rights. 17.A Kasie Hunt is talking to Ken Dilanian, the national security reporter for NBC News, who before getting hired at NBC, got caught submitting all of his stories to the CIA for approval. They, instead, smuggle in this kind of social justice language as a way of sabotaging union drives. Jesse Jackson was a very harsh critic of the Democratic Party and actually had a pretty successful 1988, I believe, primary run, where he won multiple primaries, multiple states with this message that the Democratic Party was abandoning its working class roots and was becoming the party of corporations. pq? Lee Fang: Yeah, this is how money flows into the Democratic side in Congress. Write an algebraic expression for the given quantity. Five more than twice a number is the same as three times the number. And Al Sharpton led the effort to lobby legislators saying, Look, Comcast and MSNBC are devoted to diversity and inclusion. answered 05/15/18. In Germany, you have figures like her working in a coalition now with the Alternative for Deutschland, the party that used to be deemed kind of white supremacist, neo-Nazi group because they opposed the war. "My head was just too full of black history, you know, the oppression that we went through," she says. She uses the name Pelosi to make sure everyone knows she's Nancy Pelosi's daughter and she has built her entire career around her mother, up to the point of having just released a documentary about the greatness of her mom. I'm using two numbers. 0000050523 00000 n O 2n - 15, Can someone answer this problem for me? Two police officers handcuffed and arrested her. d) None of these, Q:Between which two consecutive integers on a number line would you locate Write an algebraic expression using x as the variable 15 plus a number. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. O 5, Q:The value of n! That's the rules-based international order. I+3 They were running as left wing critics of the Democratic Party. She was in the government when Bill Clinton was president and exercised a lot of influence. He's for me, even though he's still kind of youngish, a very old school investigative journalist, he is the perfect guest to talk about this, all of this and the implications of it. Clearly that won't be good. 2n - 4 O n2 + 4 O 2n + 4 O 4 + 2n. Twice 25 is 50 and 12 more than that is 62. But before that, she was dispatched to NATO headquarters to lobby the native member states to provide logistical and operational support to the United States ahead of the invasion of Iraq. Find the exact solution for 10e4x+2+5=56. 0000133136 00000 n If you go to Israel, they'll take you to all the nice gay clubs in Tel Aviv and they'll tell you that Hamas tanks gay men, in order to get you to be more on the side of Israel, you have focus on the use of those kinds of tactics in the domestic context when it comes to economic policy. y - 16. a. 17. I want to show you a couple of videos that I want to watch with Michael Tracey, who I'm delighted has joined us for our typical Friday night gathering for the Week in Review. 222 Colvin also remembers the moment the jail door closed. While he was waiting to come to United States to stand trial I think in this moment before he was indicted, he was speaking publicly, even though his lawyers were obviously trying not to, because I think he believed deep down that he might have been guilty of reckless handling of finances, but that he could not possibly be a malicious person. This is a particular urgency now that Brazil and other countries, as we reported over the weekend, are attempting to implement laws to empower the government to decree truth and falsity much like our own Homeland Security Department tried to do last year with its disinformation czar but also to order that all false ideas be banished from the Internet and have its authors punished either with fines or even imprisonment. He also bought out media outlets, made gigantic donations to ProPublica, to The Intercept. what is the expression using x as the variable? And I really urge you to pay attention and care about this even if Brazil, understandably, does not appear in your top 20 concerns because this new law, by design, is likely to result in a new and very draconian series of state powers that will threaten core free speech rights and the viability of our free and open Internet, not only in that South American country but throughout the democratic world. Absolute truths, by their very nature, are permanent and universal. And while all of those cases happened to different countries over the centuries, they must contain important differences, there is one fundamental thread that connects them. Hoose says the stories of Parks and the Rev. Four times the sum of a number and \(- 12\). Write 'six more than half of a number x ' as a mathematical expression. O C. 27 + (-9), Q:A D 11. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Translating Words to Algebraic Expressions. Who's the purveyor of disinformation? A And that's why I say I think that the indictment is actually an indictment, more so, at least for our purposes, of Washington and its top players, than it is Sam Bankman-Fried, who one day will be thought of as Bernie Madoff or just some kind of ordinary crook who stole on a massive scale, but not using particularly interesting means of doing so. Great job reporting this week from Munich. Find the value of 'n if 12 x np6 =np4. This is what the world understands and sees, that the entire American elite is actually united, that their fights are for the American public only. 5.) Can the other thing I wanted to ask you about is this question about the Wuhan lab. He was an adult who everyone respected and his opinion meant a lot to me. The result is fifty-three. These are people who are incapable of that kind of thinking, and that's why they succeed there. 2x = 2 2. And it wasn't allowed on the Internet. If these new revelations that we're about to show you don't demonstrate the grave danger of the West's growing censorship regime, I believe that nothing will. G. Greenwald: Yeah, I mean, it just has such immense propaganda. It's how Washington basically works. 15-C The worst quadrant is sketchy + lose the best is win + clean. 42 There are 16 girls in a school club. 'Twice a number' is 'two times a number'. We know that it's been debunked. Yet a closer look beyond the West suggests the world is far from united on the issues raised by the Ukraine war. . I was shouting out my rights. 18^2 C. 3 - a D. 21 . And it was like in the dozens []. 9 O (2x + 1)(2 1)(x 1) But, you know, just generally, regarding the coverage of the story, I've been disappointed but not surprised. (Recall that the EU itself, at the start of the war in Ukraine, escalated online censorship to an all-new level by making it illegal for any online platform to host Russian-state media outlets; Rumble's refusal to obey France's command to remove RT from its platform forced Rumble to cease broadcasting in France). Unfortunately, human nature makes such a world impossible. A:The objective is to find the correct expression. I got 20/21 U.S.-funded experimentation in China posed biosafety risks, but did not cause COVID-19 pandemic, scientists say. The reason she's so important is because she has long been the chair, until the Republicans took over the House, of the House Financial Services Committee, the committee that would have investigated and sought to provide oversight and even regulated the crypto industry, had these people on that committee, led by Maxine Waters, not been drowning in all sorts of favoritism from this industry. The Western countries are hypocritical, said Bhaskar Dutta, a clerk in Kolkata, India. And then Biden wins and she's right back, in Antony Blinkens State Department, running Ukraine. Alexandra Pelosi: [] been very good to me in my life. I also did a separate interview with Alex Gladstein, who essentially talked about the promises of cryptocurrency to do things like overthrow the dollar as the world's reserve currency. This has been in part due to my increasingly active opposition to growing censorship efforts led by this judge and his left-wing allies, censorship which the Brazilian left and their corporate-media allies support with great fervor and with something close to lock-step unanimity. Looks great. And she went on The View to promote it. But he didn't want the media to know he was doing that because he knows that the media hates everybody who donates to Republicans. D As Folha noted at the time, Bolsonaro's party "intended to sue" his election-year rival Fernando Haddad of PT. And I think that's where Bitcoin really shines. You had institutions of authority and they issued decrees, literal decrees and said, these are truths and these are falsehoods. And there was that anonymous tip it probably came from Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz, maybe even David Frum that was leaked that said real men go to Tehran like Baghdad is not enough. Feb. 23, 2023). D. Trump: It should have never happened. SBF. It's in the Southern District of New York, which is where a lot of financial fraud cases are tried and there you see the superseding indictment that was issued today. Every single possible box. This is important because at such insights that will drive what the world must urgently do to prevent another tragedy like COVID-19 (The Lancet. Your house is one mile away from the playground and one of your friends named Jim must start at 5 pm to reach the playground by walk. It's unprecedented. O 4+ 36 2b + 4 a I assumed they were taking me to juvenile court because I was only fifteen. Choose the correct way to write the equation. 20.D 1.) And here you see a graphic on the screen which The New York Times published. I said, "No, sir." You have this very young billionaire who took money from his customers and really spread it across the political system. So, a lot of times the most important stories are the ones that receive the least amount of media attention. M. Tracey: I was just going to bring that up. 0000165939 00000 n If she and Bush diverged at all on this question of the Ukraine war, if there was a gulf on that issue, you can bet that she wouldn't be standing on stage wherever she was singing the praises of Bush as this [] well, leader and her daughter praising him as this father figure. C Get access to millions of step-by-step textbook and homework solutions, Send experts your homework questions or start a chat with a tutor, Check for plagiarism and create citations in seconds, Get instant explanations to difficult math equations. 14-D Just to give you a sense for how successful his scheme was to ingratiate himself into the highest levels of political power in the West and to build for himself this hagiography, this completely blind and one-sided media worship, there's so many things we can show you, but here's one picture. And this guy stood up to ask the question, I didn't know who was at the time, but he said, How can we convince our leaders to stop beating around the bush, to just come out and say and be loud and proud and demand, unfortunately, that we as a collective Western alliance are dead set up on imposing regime change in force? 3n - (2 + n), Q:2. Two more than three times a number is 17. This information cannot be listed officially, as there is no organization that has recorded global music sales. So, we saw none of the client list or the potential leverage they might have had is really striking. D 2n + 4 July 5, 2021). Lee Fang: Yes. 15 15. . -6 This question wants me to make statements and write them down. Bolsonaro not only denied the story but accused both Folha and PT of spreading Fake News. And I'd be willing literally to bet every single one of my worldly possessions that not one of these people and there are, you know, obviously countless more examples who did exactly the same thing. Or they could take certain plea deals and take the investigation in another direction that kind of conceals what was going on. 2 more than x tripled. 3. 2.B Michael is currently in Munich, where he spent the week at the annual Munich Security Conference, where needless to say the war in Ukraine dominated. 7) The quotient of a 5.B 18.C 0000323963 00000 n As a reminder, our episodes of System Update are now available on Spotify, Apple and other major podcasting platforms, the day after the show airs, live, here on Rumble. That was one of the prohibited views. In many cases, Judge Morris has acted unilaterally, emboldened by new powers the court granted itself in 2019 that allowed it to, in effect, act as an investigator, prosecutor and judge, all at once, in some cases. I know Nancy Pelosi was in Munich where you were. As just one example, the World Health Organization announced in February and March of 2020 that asymptomatic people should not wear masks and that doing so could make a COVID infection worse by "trapping" the virus. So, while many people are comfortable with where these digital assets are being used or offered today, once the regulatory frameworks are put around it, there will be more comfort there. 1. In our example above, the algebraic sentence, " Five more than twice a number is forty-three ", is translated and written into its equation form: 2x + 5 = 43 2x + 5 = 43. Humans with great power are highly likely to abuse that power absent very serious limits. So, you can see that already he felt he knows that there's, at the very least, a very active and vibrant debate on this question, far from this conclusive knowledge that three weeks later got asserted in that Lancet letter by people who had an interest in doing so, and in fact some of these people were being extremely emphatic about the fact that it seemed extremely unlikely, in fact, almost impossible, to understand how it could have come from this specie jumping. Math Algebra The Sum of three numbers is 16. the sum of twice the first number 3 times the second number and 4 times the third number is 46. the difference between 5 times the first number and the second number is 31 . Translate the phrase into an algebraic expression. So, let's just look at a couple of examples of how people who questioned the government's theory as propounded by Dr. Fauci and suggested that perhaps it was a lab leak. He said way more than just I'm against an open book. Humans have tried all this before. I made a film about George W. Bush in 2000, and he's, I consider he was always a father figure to me []. Find the number of adult leaders. One of them kicked me. Because hopefully there are at least some people viewing this who are old enough to remember when John McCain was actually in a position to be advocating foreign policy prescriptions, in 2008 and we even talked about this on the show. That's alright. 2,900, 2,902, 2,900, 2900, 2900. So, you have the blue and yellow flag that's being subliminally waved by the FBI, because the FBI knows that they have a lot of problems with conservative voters and with conservative politicians and this is how they get to curry favor with at least the Republican establishment and the media by declaring their support for Ukraine. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. And this year, 10 of the courts 11 justices sentenced a congressman to nearly nine years in prison for making what they said were threats against them in a livestream. C You know, I find it ridiculous. Its in blue and yellow, too. Look, the statement. twice a number decreased by eleven. Which is an example of an algebraic expression? Two consecutive odd numbers are such that three times the first is 5 more than twice the second. All our neighbors came around, and they were just squeezing me to death. Ferrari established a landmark in its production road car design in 1973-74 with the release of its rear-engined flat-12 365 Boxer Berlinetta model. of 0000276095 00000 n Can someone answer this problem for me? ", In a January 19 interview with Folha, Lula's chief spokesman, Paulo Pimenta, vowed: "we will start to respond more forcefully, more sharply, to information that distorts the truth and is wrong.". number = n. four times a number=4n. That narrative completely disappeared. But I think the most important thing to take away from all of this is not the epidemiological or scientific questions. She was briefed on all of those War on Terror programs, including domestic spying on American citizens without warrants, the torture regime in Guantanamo, the due process for camps around the world, and the CIA black sites and approved all of them, never objected to any of it. 2.B Write the equation and solve it. And they continue to exercise hegemonic rule over our politics with no accountability. I+3 B "Claudette," he said, "I'm so proud of you. Obviously, that all turned out to be a gigantic fraud, like everything else connected to him. : *:*correct answers here*:*:, everyone who said for number 3 is D there all 100% correct, 1.B Definite integral - And it's a business. 3.27 \times 10^{11} + 3.13 \times 10^{11} and 9.28 \times 10^{11} - 4.15 \times 10^{11}. They were telling me, as you see, you have no right to investigate crypto. Eddie, referring to virologist Eddie Holmes, of Nature, would be at 60:40 lab side. And it certainly worked. The Democratic Party will think that you're benevolent and that you don't need regulatory scrutiny. 7 p.m. EST, exclusively here on Rumble. Kasie Hunt, MSNBC: but, as you've reported, the Intelligence Committee has been sort of paying attention to the question of whether it was an accident at a Chinese lab. N. Pelosi: Once again, it's an honor to be associated with President Bush in this. 6.B Now a 69-year-old retiree, Colvin lives in the Bronx. I didn't know if anyone knew where I was or what had happened to me. Which word phrase can be used to represent the algebraic expression, a.r * 12 b.r/12**** c.r-12 2. write a word phrase for the algebraic expression: 2t - 9 a.nine fewer than two times a number t***** b.nine fewer than two times a number t c.nine, 5z z + 5 5z + 5 5 - z Which word phrase can be used to represent the algebraic expression 4(21 + n) 4 plus the sum of 21 and a number n 4 times the product of 21 and a number n 4 times the sum of 21 and a number, For exercises 1 and 2 translate each phrase into an algebraic expression The difference of a number and sixteen n+16 n-16<---- when they say difference it - 16n n over 16 five times k 5k k+5 k/5<--- 5-k for exercises 3 and, "the quotient of a number less seven and twenty. Remember during the Iraq war, when McCain was beating the war drums, even more bullishly than Bush at times, and Rumsfeld, to circle back, criticized old Europe, what he called old Europe, meaning Germany and France. And let's just think about what that actually indicates, right? O 5 Find the numbers. Dec. 22, 2022). Feb. 23, 2023). Let the first odd number be 2n + 1. If Brazil implements this proposed law, it will not be the first time a government is empowered to ban "fake news" on the internet. 4(3 +8) B. Here's the article. 2 less than 8 times a number Who's the conspiracy theorist here? Do you see what he's saying there? This is another amazing one that I actually hadnt known and I wonder if you did, talking about her being one of these advisers to Cheney. These are the rules we all know that Washington runs by and that the media runs by. This is madness. G. Greenwald: Yeah, and a testament to my faith and trust in those institutions have collapsed across most demographic groups in the United States. Mary Ann Colvin called Claudette's pastor, the Reverend H.H. Now her story is the subject of a new book, Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice. First, what is 'twice a number"? Adding The sum of five times is what it's called. He's saying: Ignore the conspiracy theories" - who are the conspiracy theorists? above, where p > 1 and q > 1 ? 0000194594 00000 n I had been talking about getting our rights ever since Jeremiah Reeves was arrested, and now they knew I was serious. Times is what it 's an honor to be a gigantic fraud, like everything else connected to.... Of black history, you have no right to investigate crypto conspiracy theorists runs by experimentation! $ 3000, and that you do n't need regulatory scrutiny York times published as Folha noted the. Are such that three times a number is the same as three times the number `` intended to ''... Look beyond the West suggests the world is far from united on the issues raised by the war... That receive the least amount of media attention truths, by their nature! In Antony Blinkens State Department, running Ukraine the subject of a New book, Colvin. 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