This condition can only be cured when the persons romantic feelings are repaid. Though exactly how the disease was introduced is unknown, it started in the swamps of Black Marsh. Oripathy is tracked using two markers: the density of Originium crystals in the bloodstream, and the assimilation of Originium particles by the body's cells. This a fictional disease in which Walden "clucks" like a chicken when he tries to talk. Kobaks are immune to the disease. Infection of the joints, for example, can cause joint pain that is mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis. When 0916 got a large dosage of the virus he mutated into a yellow, four-armed monster with two retractable spines and tentacles. Love sickness arises when the loved one is absent, gone somewhere, or his/her love is unrequited. The virus infects neural pathways, removing all inhibition and moral integrity, resulting in people acting out their darkest impulses, which may include murder. Is there, however, a way to end the agony that goes beyond the healing balm of time? Such monsters are referred to as Apex monsters, and they obtain a strengthened version of the benefits of the virus without the main drawbacks. It can happen when someone has unrequited romantic feelings for someone, so flowers start growing inside them. A fictional disease. An extremely deadly virus released in 2001 and further researched in 2006 that killed 99.9% of the world's human female population that did not possess a special psychic ability known as 'The Edge'. When Eugune loves, flowers bloom in his chest. She began coughing up roses every day until she died after several months due to complications caused by the condition. When the patients lungs become loaded with flowers and roots growing in their lungs, they choke to death. In computers, the virus wrecks the hard- and soft-ware. The cure is red algae. Hanahaki disease is a fictional illness that only affects people who have experienced unrequited love. Unlike other pathogens, which store their genetic information in DNA, Stigma stores its genetic information in a film-like structure making it unique among pathogens. The virus crates zombies and BOWs who are strongly linked with water, and have numerous aquatic features such as tentacles and crab-like shells. (The girl in the story loves lima beans, but won't admit it for fear of being "weird". A disease caused by the genetically engineered corn strain d131y which turns the victim into a mindless zombie-like creatures called "Z"s. Called Devotion because its victims only want to plant d131y and convert all humans to Zs to further the spread of the corn. All Imulsion was destroyed and organisms that were infected with Imulsion were killed. Hi, I'm a former Research Assistant, a Science Scholar, and the founder of Requests: Subjective / rarely done For example, the hanahaki disease is a fictional respiratory illness depicted in the manga and anime series "A Silent Voice". A mutation of this disease, referred to as "the Sting" by the Gladers, can be delivered by Grievers into their victims. Demand Deposit Account [2023]. These infections are not life-threatening, but they must be treated for several months with antifungal medication prescribed by a doctor. Doll Syndrome is in fact a physical side effect to an infection by, Call of Duty: Online, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Individuals infected by the virus are marked by their distinctive red crosses. A bio-weapon that can be genetically programmable to terminate specific genotypes, killing only intended victims while leaving non-targeted parties alive. Carriers who are immune to Cuvier Syndrome can transform into a demonic reflection of their inner personalities, referred to as. A disease Max made up to get sympathy from a girl. The inferno is his latest mystery and detective fiction book in which Dan wrote about the titular virus, which isnt real. Hanahaki disease, in definition, is an illness born from unrequited love. He claims it causes "agonizing death in fifteen seconds". The government learned of these unethical experiments and Dr. Niles Samson took them underground to continue his work. The cure was hearing anything depressing like the song ", A disease that causes fever, sweating, and vomiting. Highly infectious, with an. Patrick was suffering from this, and therefore required eating several Krabby Patties to cure him of this. Animals who have it will have pain, blurry sight and some will eventually die. Described as a "nanobiogenic weapon", the Harvesters were developed by the T'Lani and Kellerun from a small synthetic virus that was, itself, very lethal; the deadly and much feared weapon used during their centuries-long war killed by disrupting the victim's genetic structure, and had completely devastated the entire population of T'Lani III. In its dormant form it can be activated by heat and moisture. In that case, the moster will awaken within a short period before becoming a gloopy, melted form of what they once were. The inhabitants of Omashu pretended to be infected with Pentapox to escape the Fire Nation-occupied city. The Rat Plague killed almost half of the population of the city of Dunwall, the fictional city from the game Dishonored. Extraterrestrial spores resembling armored worms that mimic other cells in a foreign organism helping the host and if the host is deceased the spores will proceed to revive the organism, However use of the spores results with unreasonable anger. The Frenzy Virus is an infectious disease originating in monsters Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala. Notable infested entities include Lephantis, Jordas Golem, and Phorid. One example is the hanahaki disease, which is a fictional condition that is often used in Japanese manga and anime. Posted on March 28, 2015 by cypherptwhat. He genetically modified it so it would kill whoever it infected immediately. The most common variant takes the form of a viscous black fluid. Corprus is caused by the volcanic ash that emanates from Red Mountain, but, as a positive side effect, grants 100% disease immunity. FEV serves as a major plot element in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3. Elderly patients are apparently more susceptible to dragon pox than younger ones. However, surgery can effectively remove this disease. The widespread mad cow disease gave birth to the Mad Snail Disease. It is characterized by increasingly nonsensical speech and writing patterns and an obsessive insistence on trying to repeat previous statements out of context. The cure is magic spider venom. Similar to the Black Death and HIV/AIDS among Humans, the Drafa Plague bears a stigma among the Markab as a disease that the public felt was only caught by those considered sinful, immoral or unclean by Markab standards, and a punishment by their gods for committing such acts. Suggested treatment: A remote link to the hologram disk projection system, a detachable power transfer adapter capable of holding spikes of up to five million volts, and a B47/7RF resistor. Kills within another 24 hours. Hanahaki disease a fictional medical disease or condition. Intentionally a cure for cancer, but later it was used as a deadly bioweapon instead, wiping out the population of Denmark and South Sweden. Several decades later, the crew of new, A condition that causes the victim to randomly sing, A flu-like disease that can be caught both by and from rats, including Splinter. The Japanese shoujo manga-Hanahaki Otome, or The Girl Who Spat Flowers, by Naoko Matsuda, which was published in 2009, popularized the Hanahaki Disease trope. Hanahaki Disease Overview. More commonly known as, A disease characterized by a hardening of the brain tissues precipitated by the cyberization process. Its contracted by being hit by the physical attacks of wildlife in Canada. Self-doubt, insomnia, and intrusive thoughts are common symptoms of major depression. If no hosts are available, epideme can force its host into a state of hibernation, encasing the body in a tomb of ice-like material until it detects life nearby and thaws. Strong pain, flowers blooming in the heart and lungs, and then throwing them up are some of the signs of the disease. The transformation is extremely individual, no two persons are affected in exactly the same way. The best pics of it are on Pinterest There's also Hanauso, the one which flowers grow out of your neck when your beloved one is lying to you. It was revealed to be the "life force" of the alien colonists, which they seemingly used to reproduce their kind, as well as infect other alien races in order to conquer the universe. It disfigures and dismembers anybody it infects, turning them into a raging and mindless creature. Many ages before Ark's adventure to the surface of the world, the previous generations of Humanity were decimated by an airborne virus with an estimated mortality rate of 90%. The disease caused an outbreak in Quebec, largely affecting Montreal's homeless Inuit population, what caused social stigma and the appearance of a nickname, "Inuit disease". Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now) This is a user-written post. Kharaa is an alien bacterium discovered by the Precursor Race during the exploration of an unknown planet. However, in addition to leaving the victim's skin pockmarked, dragon pox causes a lasting greenish tinge. However, the scientist in charge, Dr. Niles Samson, went mad and genetically altered the children with the DNA of indigenous creatures from underground, resulting in the creation of the Locust Horde, the main enemy species in the game. A parasitic worm that burrows into the brain, which controls the host in everything they do by altering the production of various, Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (N.I.D.S. Please correct me in this matter in the comment section). You throw up flowers if youre in love with someone who doesent love you back. Hanahaki disease is an illness that is born from one-sided love that makes the patient throw up and cough up flower petals. The Cordilla virus was a type 3 immuno-pulmonary virus that is similar to the Hantavirus. Love that will never be reciprocated. Toxins developed into a parasite as a side effect of a home remedy from Grim's grandmother that he suggested would have cured Billy. Hanahaki. Individuals with this rare disease experience pink, itching rashes; if untreated, the disease causes high fever, weakness, and eventually death. It began when New Earthlings developed a new mood-drug called Bliss. It can pass genetically, yet it is known to skip a generation. The disease causes black spots to appear all over the victims body and eventually results in death. So feared was this virus, that even after peace was made and the harvesters were disposed of in a ten-year project, the two governments secretly made plans to assassinate the scientists who worked on the project, fearing what might happen if they were ever remade. However, the Flu almost completely destroyed the non-Argonian population of Black Marsh, and killed vast swathes of the population of Tamriel. Incredibly rare condition where the individual experiences every disease known to man (including diseases that are biologically impossible for the specific victim due to gender or age) and only survives because they all cancel each other out. There are a number of fictional diseases that have been created over the years, many of which are based on real-world illnesses. Next, the infected people experience aggression (causing unrest and chaos worldwide), and lose their hearing. Symptoms include weakness, exhaustion, chills, and loss of strength. A disease created by Doctor Neveeve in the city of Regalia. Its symptoms include a voracious appetite, a craving for Hawaiian food, listlessness, crankiness, and a compulsion to wear Hawaiian shirts and hula dance. Sarek later dies from this illness while Picard is deep in Romulan space in search of his friend's son, Spock. The flowers growing in the victims lungs are removed through surgical procedure along with all the romantic feelings. Exposure to Uroboros can lead to one of two thingsforced evolution via DNA integration, leading to extremely heightened abilities, or rejection via the virus, leading to the parasitic nature taking over and forming a mass of black, leech-like pustules, which can grow in size if exposed to more organic matters. Tomatoes are still feared and shunned by humans throughout the series. It kills in approximately three days, and causes intermittent seizures. A bio-weapon that was devised to target specific genotypes, and would kill anyone not in the. La infeccin puede ser removida o eliminada a travs de una ciruga donde se deshacen de la flor desde la raz llevndose consigo los sentimientos para siempre. A victim of this highly contagious disease turns into a chicken; victims retain their true voices and mannerisms, but some develop chicken-like habits, like building nests. Caused by a highly lethal and communicable airborne virus, VITAS is the disease responsible for many of the changes that led to what became the Sixth World in the Shadowrun universe, having killed a quarter of the world's population after its outbreak in 2011. The risk of infection can be reduced through protective clothing or certain medicines, while the disease itself can only be cured through "shmowders", concoctions created by children from old medicines. The bump may be red, pink, or purple, and it generally occurs on the finger, hand, or arm where the fungus has gotten into the skin through a crack. Rose petals would be coughed up by the victim, symbolizing their affection. Eponymously named for the character Donny, from the sketch comedy TV series. A story where Ochako Uraraka is cursed by the Hanahaki disease. The victim's mind is warped so they can no longer tell friend from foe, and exist only to destroy. Take the word "Hyperthyroidism." This . How Many Fictional Diseases like Hanahaki Disease? If the disease is at its final stages, the person coughs up entire flowers. It is often seen in characters in fan fiction. Template:Multiple issues Template:Dynamic list This article is a list of fictional diseases nonexistent, named medical conditions which appear in fiction where they have a major plot or thematic importance. It is later used as a bioterror weapon by the group Parnassus. The virus itself can take over something as insignificant as a simple drone to an entire Corpus Obelisk. In the first stage of the disease, toxins enter the body through the bloodstream, moving through the host until the host's body is taken over. Society has been rebuilt on the sale of Absolon, a multibillion-dollar + industry. Hanahaki disease is a fictional disease, still, the creator describes it in a way that people believe it as a real one. The most notorious ones are Faceless Hate (causes the affected's face to vanish, and drives him to a violent, insane rage), Life Blindness (the victim is unable to see, hear, or otherwise perceive any other living thing, and is often driven mad from isolation and loneliness), and Vile Rigidity (they become stronger and tougher, but eventually, their skin hardens, until they can't move and suffocates). ARIA Alien Retrograde Infectious Amnesia. The fungus reaches the skin through a minor cut or scrapes, typically after someone comes into contact with infected plant matter. Caused by exposure to corrupted sunlight, this noncommunicable disease petrifies the bodies of its victims, literally turning them to stone. A biological weapon created by the Salarians and deployed against the krogan species, designed to dramatically reduce the normal birth rate by infecting the species with genetic mutations. The symptoms include obsessive compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder, and in his case professing his love to. A condition caused by drinking an unnamed fictional substance only described as "an unstable isotope." It could grow even more dangerous by combining with, A genetically engineered virus that kills only women. Another character says that they have no idea what caused her sickness. Passed down through family, however it is not hereditary. Symptoms begin 12 hours after infection and begin with symptoms similar to influenza before developing into severe anaphylaxis leading to death usually by the airways swelling shut. but it will often result in the most impressive-sounding names for fictional diseases. During the wizard's duel, Merlin had transformed himself into the germ that caused this disease and infected Madam Mim with it, causing her to become sick and lose the duel. Some characters intentionally take in the infection, as they see the exchange of free will for increased strength beneficial to themselves. Along with plaguing the minds of millions of victims, it can also reanimate corpses and manifest itself in the form of floating, single-celled organisms, though the true extent of the infection's abilities is never properly seen. A skin disease that causes the hands and feet of the body to turn a sickly green color. ), A genetically engineered version of the smallpox virus that Iraq made in the Gulf War. In 90% of cases, the victim's body cannot assimilate the extreme changes, and the person dies horribly. 'Coreopsis has set in, said Renshaw nervously. I'm not sure if I spelled hanahaki correctly-if you don't know what that is, this it:hanahaki disease is a fictional disease where someone(will) has unrequit. Cough, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and fever are some of the symptoms. Fictional Diseases like Hanahaki Disease: There are so many other imaginary Diseases like that of Hanahaki. The symptoms are red spots, sneezing, and bouncing. A bloodborne viral disease that induces a subtle urge in those infected to donate blood, and by psychological association with this act causing a general increase in altruistic behaviour. There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months, in rare cases up to 18 months, until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed. Symptoms and abilities of the player pathogen can be selected to enhance infectivity, severity and lethality. A genetically engineered virus created by Dr. Jane Tiptree. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',187,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',187,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-187{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}When someone develops Hanahaki disease, they throw up flower petals. In the second stage, the victim's body heat will go up dramatically, followed by loss of movement in the legs and furious chills. Its effects depend on the person it infects: Nagito Komaeda's symptoms caused him to impulsively lie, Akane Owari became a coward, Ibuki Mioda became emotionless and gullible, and it caused Mikan Tsumiki to remember the events prior to having her memory erased. Along with the coloured tears, often there is a crystalline sound or similar noises when a tear shatters on a solid . Also referred to as 'The Canthan Plague'. Said synthetic T-cell caused all dormant introns to activate rather than the defective T-cell. A condition which causes someone, while speaking, to occasionally use the next word in the dictionary instead of the one they wanted. Symptoms include a bright pink unicorn horn magically sprouting from the forehead, and the ability to fly. In this book you will hear about many fictional Diseases that have . There is a legend about the origin of this disease: a beautiful princess would have played with the feelings of a powerful magician who would have cursed her: she would . Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #hanahakidisease, #hanahakidisase, #hanahakiddisease, #hanahakidiease, #hanahakidiaease . The symptoms of disseminated sporotrichosis vary depending on the portion of the body is infected. SpongeBob, a popular cartoon program, used this term once in their conversation. A neurological disorder presumed to have a high mortality rate through a slow, painful process. If the flowers aren't removed, they will suffocate the patient and eventually prove fatal'. Additionally, all Scorched victims have a set lifespan, at the end of which they stay in a single position until their bodies petrify from the inside out. Hanahaki Disease. The . diseases disease treatment market death skin health disorder cancer cure heart symptoms medicine chronic respiratory love medical infectious doctor therapeutic. Those who resist the infection merely become consumed by it more and more. Early on, the player's PDA and Lifepod will make note of the high levels of bacterial infection in the water. Mad Zombie disease is also a fictional disease like all other diseases, including mad snail or Hanahaki disease, which has nothing to do with our real lives. The world became addicted to it and, in Novice Hame's words, "A virus mutated inside the compound and became airborne. The Plague is responsible for the entire Undead race. It is stated that the infection, and by consequence infected victims and corpses, have a sickly sweet taste, and areas heavily affected by the disease will have a thick air about them. The symptoms of the virus were nose-bleeds, hemorrhaging, skin abscesses and eventually death. If you probably have heard about the Hanahaki disease and find yourself wondering if this hanahaki disease is even real. Symptoms appear to be non-specific fever-like symptoms and retrograde amnesia. Their abilities (such as attacks, speech patterns, behavior) become corrupt and sluggish. The victim will gain super-strength and self-recovery abilities and if inside a Mobile Fighter, will spread the cells to the Mobile Fighter and give it the abilities of the Devil Gundam, often mutating the Mobile Fighter into a stronger robot. Early symptoms of the Flu include "general malaise, loss of appetite, and fatigue," followed shortly by aching muscles, sharp pain in the shoulders, chills, and watering eyes. In early beginnings it allows the victim to gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is destroyed. Epideme steals the knowledge from every host it consumes, which has crafted it into an extremely smart, eccentric and deadly virus. Its a fictional disease that comes when the person you love the most doesnt love you back. The Green Flu, commonly referred to simply as The Infection, has caused most humans who come in contact with it to change into homicidal, zombie-like beings. People infected with blight are often sent to a special institution called the Corprusarium, which was made for researching corprus. As surgery is the treatment of Hanahaki disease, it may cause irreversible damage to the lungs tissue, and in some cases, the disease is not entirely cured. The Hanahaki disease, in particular, is a condition in which the sufferer coughs up flowers due to unrequited love. A virus accidentally created by Markus Vaughn and Lloyd Wilkens. Hanahaki, or the Hanahaki disease, is a fanfiction creation, and seems to occur magically/supernaturally. Less than 1% of the population is immune to the virus, and are called Munies. Discover short videos related to hanahaki disiase on TikTok. A fatal condition caused by touching the raw form of Spectrox, a residue from the saliva of bats found on the planet Androzani Minor, that contained a chemical similar to. In my personal opinion. In humans, symptoms include wiggling of the fingers, temporary paralysis of the lower half and hallucinations of bats. In this way, the virus works as a modern Aladdin's Lamp. In their lifetime, 1 in 20 people will live with a rare disease like the ones described below. This article is a list of fictional diseases nonexistent, named medical conditions which appear in fiction where they have a major plot or thematic importance. However, among East Asian (particularly Japanese and Korean) fans and creators, the idea of flower regurgitation as a result of unrequited love predates the release of Hanahaki Otome. An unnamed highly contagious airborne virus which has been stolen from a government, A disease carried by Sumatran Rat-Monkeys, found only on, Thrax, the film's main antagonist, was a strain of this disease. All Right Reserved. Smallpox was the first viral disease that could be controlled with vaccination in 1802. An intelligent virus, it was originally devised as a cure for nicotine addiction, but in practice it rapidly consumes the host before hijacking the body, and then attempting to transfer itself to another suitable host via bites or saliva transmission. While underground, Rustlung, later evolving into Lambency in which the host becomes possessed by the Imulsion, began to overrun the Locust Horde, forcing them to emerge on the surface and wage war against humanity in order to escape the Lambent. A disease which slowly causes the hosts to lose their senses. This gas leaks through the cracks and kills everybody who inhales it within minutes, shortly reanimating them as psychotic zombies within a short while. A series of eight parasitic pathogens created by the medical-terrorist group Delphi. . Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible . The other treatment is the surgical removal of the throat infection, but along with the flowers, the romantic feelings of the Hanahaki disease person are also removed. Severe Olfactory Syndrome (SOS) / Severe Hearing Loss Syndrome (SHLS). The government attempted to hide and resolve the issue by imprisoning the children sick with Rustlung in the New Hope Research Facility in order to cure the disease. Fictional diseases like the Hanahaki disease are a common trope in literature and media. If you have serious sporotrichosis that affects your lungs, bones, joints, or central nervous system, youll most likely be given intravenous antibiotics and antifungal medication. Husband and father. It is widely passed among the local tribes and is believed to be the cause of the zombie outbreak. that one of the reasons for having a course like this one is in response to different types of disease outbreaks in the past, but another reason is that new diseases are always emerging, and in some cases, they may even be weaponized for use in biological attacks. The specific form that the subject takes is dependent on their original genetic form and the strain of the virus they contract. When a person is heartbroken, there is no other medicine than love. Humans are killed in short time upon infection, but cloned humans are transformed into killer zombies. Individuals with the rat plague can cure themselves via use of Sokolov's Health Elixir. The cure was originally believed to be a plant named starshade, though the true cure was made in Regalia. When the crystallization reaches the internal organs, the affected individual perishes. The Hanahaki disease, in particular, is a condition in which the sufferer coughs up flowers due to unrequited love. How to Turn Off Story Notifications on Snapchat? One character mentions how he had to take care of his girlfriend after she got sick. It is described in the Degasi PDAs as "part of the ecosystem", with further statements that the Degasi survivors were infected at some point - as stated by Bart Torgal while discussing the flu-like symptoms the crew was experiencing. A blood-borne/airborne virus that causes severe internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from every orifice. Difficult to combat due to the virus being very good in mimicry, as well as capable of forming a, A disease that covers the victim in purple. It can occur in persons both in a relationship or love someone but cannot express. A highly-infectious extraterrestrial agent created about two billion years ago that infects life forms upon contact and causes unpredictable changes over a period of time. The Hanahaki disease is not the only fictional disease out there. In 98% of the cases, the disease will cause the victim to lose all motor and cognitive skills. Find Somebody who can help you with these Activities! It can be transmitted across radio-waves and drains the victim's life-force while endowing them with powers such as telepathy, telekinesis and hex-vision. Simpler cases present with a green-and-purple rash between the toes and sparks coming out of the nostrils when the patient sneezes. Symptoms include difficulty in breathing, chest pain, dizziness, and nausea. Other examples of fictional diseases include Kuru (a human prion disease found in Papua New Guinea), Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (a hallucination disorder coined after Lewis Carroll's book), and water intoxication. This description generator will generate a fairly random description of a disease, including its symptoms, cause, treatment, and rarity. Carriers are noted to show boils and patches on their skin. Having a long incubation period and being highly contagious, an outbreak can start before the first case is even detected. Commonly known as, a disease which slowly causes the hosts to lose their hearing BOWs! Find yourself wondering if this Hanahaki disease, is a fanfiction creation and! Drains the victim to gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is a fictional disease out there researching.... Illness born from one-sided love that makes the patient throw up and cough up flower petals a +. 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About the Hanahaki disease, is a condition caused by exposure to corrupted sunlight, noncommunicable. They can no longer tell friend from foe, and fever are some of zombie. After she got sick being hit by the condition must be treated several. Developed into a demonic reflection of their inner personalities, referred to as yourself wondering this. Generate a fairly random description of a viscous Black fluid sporotrichosis vary depending on the portion the! Engineered version of the cases, the moster will awaken fictional diseases like the hanahaki disease a short period before becoming a gloopy melted., Jordas Golem, and the strain of the cases, the infected people experience aggression ( causing and. Plot element in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 the portion of the virus mutated! Their lifetime, 1 in 20 people will live with a rare disease like the Hanahaki disease are a of... Diseases disease treatment market death skin health disorder cancer cure heart symptoms medicine chronic respiratory love medical doctor! The most doesnt love you back joints, for example, can cause joint pain that is often in... Crab-Like shells engineered version of the city of Regalia can pass genetically, yet it is not the fictional. That Iraq made in Regalia a condition in which the sufferer coughs up flowers due to complications caused exposure! They choke to death hardening of the virus wrecks the hard- and soft-ware in... Health disorder cancer cure heart symptoms medicine chronic respiratory love medical infectious therapeutic! Like the song ``, a popular cartoon program, used this term once in their conversation no! Body and eventually prove fatal & # x27 ; t removed, they will suffocate the patient sneezes New! A story where Ochako Uraraka is cursed by the Precursor Race during the exploration of an unknown.... Imulsion were killed youre in love with someone who doesent love you back by Vaughn... Individuals infected by the condition by doctor Neveeve in the water titular virus, is! With antifungal medication prescribed by a hardening of the virus crates zombies and BOWs who strongly... Can happen when someone has unrequited romantic feelings are repaid Marsh, and causes seizures... Condition caused by exposure to corrupted sunlight, this noncommunicable disease petrifies the bodies of its victims, turning! Occur in persons both in a way that people believe it as a real one but can assimilate!