Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Nonprofit Organizations by Sean Thomas-Breitfeld and Frances Kunreuther, from theInternational Encyclopedia of Civil Society. If a racist group or incident occurred in your community, organizing a vigil, demonstration or public protest will not only give you and others some effective way to respond, but also help give hope to your community by having everyone come. In 1933 and 1934, in the midst of the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Home Owners Loan Act and the National Housing Act into law to prevent foreclosures and make rental housing and homeownership more affordable.38 To carry out these missions, the newly minted Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) created maps to assess the risk of mortgage refinancing and set new standards for federal underwriting.39 The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) used these maps to determine the areas in which it would guarantee mortgages.40 But HOLC maps assessed risk in part based on a neighborhoods racial composition, designating predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods as hazardous, and coloring these areas red.41 This process, known as redlining, denied people of colorespecially Black peopleaccess to mortgage refinancing and federal underwriting opportunities while perpetuating the notion that residents of color were financially risky and a threat to local property values.42 As a result, just 2 percent of the $120 billion in FHA loans distributed between 1934 and 1962 were given to nonwhite families.43 Today, approximately 3 in 4 neighborhoods74 percentthat the HOLC deemed hazardous in the 1930s remain low to moderate income, and more than 60 percent are predominantly nonwhite.44 In short, while federal intervention and investment has helped expand homeownership and affordable housing for countless white families, it has undermined wealth building in black communities. Yet the exceptions suggest that there could be significant benefits. }rE*a!r|,h&>NM4x-EE:d@UXIJ% *S>NV#T&&@3E4G As the projects continued, participants increasingly viewed a community that was not capable of being inclusive as uncaring. ; History, Trail of Tears, November 9, 2009, available at, U.S. Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Native American ownership and governance of natural resources, available at, National Congress of American Indians, Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction (Washington: 2019), available at, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Maps of Indian Territory, the Dawes Act, and Will Rogers Enrollment Case File, available at, National Congress of American Indians, Tribal Nations and the United States., Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity, Timeframe: 2017, available at. American Psychologist, 54 , 805-816. Intervene if students blame the victim for challenges beyond individual control. President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law in 1830, authorizing the federal government to forcibly relocate Native Americans in the southeast in order to make room for white settlement.4 For the next two decades, thousands of Native Americans died of hunger, disease, and exhaustion on a forced march west of the Mississippi Rivera march now known as the Trail of Tears.5 Decades later, in 1887, President Grover Cleveland signed into law the General Allotment Actbetter known as the Dawes Act.6 The Dawes Act forcibly converted communally held tribal lands into small, individually owned lots.7 The federal government then seized two-thirds of reservation lands and redistributed the land to white Americans. Talk to the people of color on your staff and ask them what barriers or attitudes they face at work. (Clark, Anderson, Clark, and Williams, 1999). Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor. Orfield, G. & Lebowitz, H. What policies exist to stop such institutionalized prejudice? As you work on addressing such inequities, think also about ways to prevent them by encouraging and establishing inclusive practices right from the start. Welcome all newcomers. We'd also like to set tracking, social sharing and analytics cookies to improve the experience of our site. Bringing together leaders to create a strategy that deliberately, systematically, and explicitly deals with racism will enable your community to have a longer-term vision for a just and healthy community. Imagine that this work resembles two sides of a coin. Form a diversity task force or club. Analytics cookies enable us to use Google Analytics and Monsido to help us improve our website by collecting data on how you use it. Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. London, UK: One World Publications. Did you consider Eastern Heights? Racial prejudice can be reduced if the staff becomes diverse and raises the awareness of each other, but racism is reduced when power is shared by the leadership. Rivera, F., &Erlich, J. But there is scant evidence that Black Americans see long-term benefits from these revitalization efforts.21, For much of the 20th century, federal, state, and local policies subsidized the development of prosperous white suburbs in metropolitan areas across the country.22 They also constructed new highway systemsoften through communities of colorto ensure access to job opportunities in urban centers for primarily white commuters.23 Over time, however, changing tastes and growing displeasure with congested roadways have resulted in middle-class and wealthy white households relocation to cities.24 As lawmakers rush to redevelop previously neglected urban neighborhoods, many of the same communities of color that were denied access to suburban homeownership and displaced by highway projects are again being forced from their homes to make room. It found: With some positive exceptions, community development and community care have been running on separate tramlines for the last twenty years. To do this effectively, its essential to understand your communitys values and to know who your trusted advisors in the community are. While we try in the Community Tool Box to offer easy, step-by-step instructions for community work, changing a group of people's prejudiced attitudes and an institution's racist actions isn't so simply carried out and it doesn't happen overnight. Reviewing hiring and contracting policies in the city government will help change institutional norms that could be perpetuating economic disparities. After September 11, various immigrant communities held vigils to express their sympathy for the World Trade Center and Pentagon victims and their families, speak out against anti-Muslim acts, and show their commitment and loyalty to the United States. Stress, anxiety, anger or depression are normal byproducts of being marginalized. The above encounter at the restaurant is an example of racial prejudice. This study - by Alan Barr (Scottish Community Development Centre/ University of Glasgow), Paul Henderson (Community Development Foundation) and Carolyn Stenhouse (Scottish Community Development Centre) - reports on the lessons from four local initiatives. !V+(9#VkW55D)@z87 tiXTS%0.7Zd_c8$]7z&i+6]P2(k#I N~eRBmylqE^o!?>S}si~)? Providing their role was supported by and consistent with that of their managers, they were key to the establishment of effective partnership relationships. Hence, marginalization is the social process of becoming or being made marginal (especially as a group within the larger society): the marginalization of the underclass or the marginalization of literature.. } Brown University Training Materials:Power and Privilege Issues with Culturally-Diverse Communities in Research: New Challenges of Partnership and Collaborative Research. Building Relationships with People from Different Cultures, Section 3. The study provides case studies and analysis of the application of community development approaches in community care and their significance in the context of social inclusion policies and practice. Give citizens a chance to talk about how racism affects your community can give you insight into how people feel on the subject, ideas on what you and others can do to combat racism, a chance to let people who share similar concerns to network with each other, and to publicly let racists know that your community will not stand for racism in its midst. While Native Americans have long been the primary target of government-sponsored land redistribution, other communities of colorespecially Black communitieshave experienced and continue to experience displacement as well. This policy prevented the construction of apartment buildings and multifamily units in certain neighborhoods, ensuring that only those who could afford single-family homes could live there.75 As white households typically had higher incomes and access to a range of federal home loan programs, single-family zoning produced racially segregated neighborhoods without explicit race-based ordinances. Long before redlining offered an economic incentive to segregate communities, local governments relied on, among other policies, zoning ordinances to keep races apart.72 Explicit race-based zoning emerged in 1910 with formal prohibitions on African Americans purchasing property on majority-white blocks, and vice versa.73 While the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed race-based zoning in 1917, its rationalethat the practice limited white homeowners ability to sell their propertyencouraged localities to develop innovative new segregation strategies.74, Over time, single-family zoning emerged and replaced race-based zoning as one of the most popular local governing tools for segregating American communities. However, because of the shifts in our communities' demographics in some parts of the U.S., racial prejudice and racism also lead to tensions between people of non-European descent, such as between African Americans and Asian Americans. Vice President, Race and Ethnicity Policy. Center for Democratic Renewal. Center for Democratic Renewal. More than 150 years ago, thousands of Chinese immigrants arrived in the American West to construct the first transcontinental railroad and participate in the California gold rush.67 But as they moved into urban areas in search of work, they were met by violent and xenophobic resistance.68 Lawmakers largely stood by as mobs terrorized Chinese communities and even enacted legislation that restricted Chinese immigrants employment opportunities, limited their mobility, and prohibited them from voting or purchasing property.69 With few safe housing options available, Chinese residents concentrated in ethnic ghettos that demanded almost complete self-sufficiency to survive.70 Chinatowns were generally not created as the result of a natural tendency to self-segregate, but rather due to various federal, state, and local policies prohibiting Chinese Americans from fully participating in the United States housing and employment markets.71, During this period, lawmakers also enacted policies to separate African Americans from white Americans. Access to Affordable Early Care and Education, { document.getElementById('search-form').focus(); }, 300);">, https://americanprogress.org/issues/race/reports/2018/02/21/447051/systematic-inequality/, https://americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2018/07/24/452645/homes-for-all/, https://ips-dc.org/report-ever-growing-gap/, https://pdcrodas.webs.ull.es/anglo/OSullivanAnnexation.pdf, https://history.state.gov/milestones/1830-1860/indian-treaties, https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/trail-of-tears#section_3, https://revenuedata.doi.gov/how-it-works/native-american-ownership-governance/, https://www.politico.com/story/2011/02/cleveland-signs-dawes-severalty-act-feb-8-1887-049008, http://www.ncai.org/tribalnations/introduction/Tribal_Nations_and_the_United_States_An_Introduction-web-.pdf, https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/fed-indian-policy, https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/poverty-rate-by-raceethnicity, https://files.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/2018-AHAR-Part-1.pdf, http://www.centralparknyc.org/about/blog/story-of-seneca-village.html, http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1538663/11/Gustafson_project_muse_508775.pdf, https://americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/04/24/449961/communities-didnt-say/, https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/50791/411294-In-the-Face-of-Gentrification.PDF, https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1396&context=law_urbanlaw, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gentrification, https://www.curbed.com/2014/11/5/10028070/tracing-the-history-of-a-word-as-gentrification-turns-50, https://www.huduser.gov/portal/sites/default/files/pdf/DisplacementReport.pdf, www.freddiemac.com/research/insight/20181205_major_challenge_to_u.s._housing_supply.page, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0003122414535774, https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/0504_census_ethnicity_frey.pdf, https://www.dcpolicycenter.org/publications/goodbye-to-chocolate-city/, https://www.huduser.gov/portal/pdredge/pdr-edge-frm-asst-sec-081318.html, https://americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2019/07/15/469838/racial-disparities-home-appreciation/, https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/files/docs/historical/martin/54_01_19340627.pdf, https://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_06_a-godeeper.htm, https://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/22/this-day-in-politics-june-22-1944-239693, https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/28/books/review/when-affirmative-action-was-white-uncivil-rights.html, https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/25073543.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3A2de77c24d9eb56483e4463a6334db552, https://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/files/currenthvspress.pdf, https://socialequity.duke.edu/sites/socialequity.duke.edu/files/The%20Plunder%20of%20Black%20Wealth%20in%20Chicago.pdf, https://www.justice.gov/crt/fair-housing-act-1, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/07/us/07baltimore.html, https://americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2015/07/13/117020/lending-for-success/, https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2018/01/NPR-RWJF-HSPH-Discrimination-Final-Summary.pdf, https://www.brookings.edu/research/devaluation-of-assets-in-black-neighborhoods/, https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2018-04-20/us-is-still-segregated-even-after-fair-housing-act, https://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-chinese-immigrants-history-20190405-story.html, https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/chinese-immigrants-united-states, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/american-chinatowns-history_n_6090692, https://www.wyohistory.org/encyclopedia/rock-springs-massacre, https://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044&context=aalj, https://depts.washington.edu/civilr/alien_land_laws.htm, https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/chinese-immigration, https://www.aaldef.org/uploads/pdf/Chinatown%20Then%20and%20Now%20AALDEF.pdf, https://www.jstor.org/stable/2657609?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents, https://americanprogress.org/issues/race/news/2018/05/10/450703/environment-racism-built/, https://hub.jhu.edu/magazine/2014/spring/racial-food-deserts/, https://americanprogress.org/issues/early-childhood/reports/2018/12/06/461643/americas-child-care-deserts-2018/, https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-03-08/many-black-americans-live-in-trauma-care-deserts, www.naacp.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Fumes-Across-the-Fence-Line_NAACP_CATF.pdf, https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_17_1YR_S0201&prodType=table, https://www.pewtrusts.org/-/media/assets/2018/04/rent-burden_report_v2.pdf, https://americanprogress.org/issues/poverty/reports/2015/12/16/126966/an-opportunity-agenda-for-renters/, https://americanprogress.org/issues/race/news/2018/04/05/448999/americas-sordid-legacy-race-disaster-recovery/, https://wamu.org/story/19/03/05/how-federal-disaster-money-favors-the-rich/, Angela Hanks, Danyelle Solomon, and Christian E. Weller, Systematic Inequality: How Americas Structural Racism Helped Create the Black-White Wealth Gap (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2018), available at, Chuck Collins and others, The Ever-Growing Gap (Washington: Institute for Policy Studies, Racial Wealth Divide Initiative, and Corporation for Enterprise Development, 2016), available at, U.S. Office of the Historian, Indian Treaties and the Removal Act of 1830, available at, Ibid. While the median white homeowners property is worth $219,600, the median Black homeowners property is worth just $152,700.83 As noted in CAPs recent report, white homeowners also have more than double the mean net housing wealthhome value minus debtof Black homeowners: $215,800 compared with just $94,400.84 Overall, segregation fueled the wealth-building capacity of white communities while simultaneously undermining wealth accumulation and economic well-being in communities of color. on other cookies we use, click on settings or accept them all. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible. What's more, some important new research suggests that in some cases, racist actions can cause physiological harm to the victims. Also, consider writing an equal-opportunity policy for hiring and promoting staff. We use necessary cookies to make our site work. (2000). Organize vigils, anti-racism demonstrations, protests, or rallies. You might want to try and work with the police and local Hmong leaders to develop a strategy for increasing the police department's cultural competence and, at the same time, increase the newcomers' understanding about the laws in this country. For instance, one group decided to reserve a certain number of slots on its governing board for representatives of the cultural and ethnic groups in the community. Los Angeles, CA: LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center. Sign Up No matter what culture or part of the world you're from, you've seen the results of racial prejudice and racism, even if you've never directly felt it aimed at you. The researchers drew some other general lessons for practice development from the four projects: The study adopted an action research approach. Outside of Office Hours, contact: (55) 5080 2000, Five ways to be an ally to marginalized groups. Something like this takes knowing your community well and choosing strategies that best fit your community's needs, history, context, energies, and resources. Each partner plays a distinctive role in an interdependent and, potentially, mutually empowering system. Historic and ongoing displacement has destabilized communities and exacerbated racial disparities in economic indicators of well-being.36 These government policies, combined with the exclusion and segregation discussed in the following section of this report, are causes and consequences of entrenched structural racism in the U.S. housing system. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: End extreme poverty, including hunger. For this approach to be effective, senior managers need to embrace a culture of participative, accessible governance and joined-up inter-agency and inter-sectoral practice. Learn how to help reduce discrimination and racism. 1. Indeed, although lawmakers could construct more affordable housing units and create programs to insulate longtime city residents from the disruptive effects of gentrification, many appear to draw heavily from the ideology of manifest destinythat white settlement and expansion are inevitablein their responses to such rapid redevelopment.25, Merriam-Webster defines gentrification as the process of repairing and rebuilding homes and businesses in a deteriorating area accompanied by an influx of middle-class or affluent people and that often results in the displacement of earlier, usually poorer residents.26 Over the past 50 years, this process, which sometimes involves government investment, has taken root in dozens of cities across the country.27 Increasing demand for housing, along with reduced levels of housing production, has contributed to staggering increases in rental and purchase prices in urban areas across the United States.28 While some experts cite the economic benefits of gentrification, many recognize its role in exacerbating racial inequality, as well as in the suburbanization of poverty as low-income people are forced to relocate from cities to the areas outside them.29, Seth Hanlon, Lily Roberts, Andres Vinelli, 2 More Care service users and carers are frequently amongst the most excluded members of communities. In part, this confidence was established by evidence from community needs surveys and participatory events. This can be as simple as including such events on the community calendar and actively publicizing them. Indeed, they brought to bear special and exceptional insights that were a critical ingredient in the work of the projects. Community participation implies a number of other terms and concepts, such as consultation, involvement, citizenship, community action, empowerment and community organising. It can also occur unintentionally due to structures that benefit some members of society while making life challenging for others. Make "safe zone" signs or stickers. Get the latest research, partner stories, events and job opportunities sent to your inbox. Presented by the American Psychological Association. Both partnership and participation required changes in the roles played by senior managers. Not only for reasons of equality, but also to reduce poverty, improve the productive capacity of Learn about "How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion" in this TED video. Pomfret, CT: Study Circles Resource Center. Teaching Tolerance, 60.:This article explains white privilege, gives the historyof white privilege,examineshow white privilege differs from racism, and offers guidance on using white privilege for positive change. Study, Discussion and Action on Issues of Race, Racism and Inclusion- a partial list of resources utilized and prepared byYusefMgeni. If you use word-of-mouth as a recruitment tool, spread the word to members of those groups, or key contact people. This involves the monopolisation of certain opportunities based on group attributes, such as race, language, social origin and religion. State institutions cause exclusion when they deliberately discriminate in their laws, policies or programmes. (Ed.) For much of the 20th century households of color were systematically excluded from federal homeownership programs, and government officials largely stood by as predatory lenders stripped them of wealth and stability. American lawmakers have long touted the importance of property ownership, affordable housing, and economic development.35 However, policymaking has too often coincided with the systematic removal of people of color from their homes and communities. The study demonstrates that community development and community care have common interests and potentially mutual benefits. It emphasised: working with people, in their communities, in an empowering manner; adopting principles of positive action towards service users and carers as excluded groups; promoting organisational capacity and using this to develop participation and influence; building active partnerships with service agencies. Several stakeholders have a legitimate and necessary interest in a partnership approach to caring communities. This community forum gave a panel of local expert as well as members of the audience the chance to ask mayoral and city commission candidates questions about the impact of racism on the Dayton community and the role it plays in local public policy decisions. The results of racial prejudice and racism can be seen everywhere: stereotypes, violence, underfunded schools, unemployment, police brutality, shabby housing, a disproportionate number of African-American men on death row, etc. This series examines the impact of structural racism on present-day outcomes for people of color. Review your strategies to ensure that they deal with racial prejudice and racism at the individual, community, and institutional levels, and they link dialogue to action. Effective partnerships require mutual trust and confidence. Facing the Divide: Psychology's Conversation on Race and Health is a video series designed to bring psychologicalscience to the conversation regarding the connections among race, racism and health. An official website of the United States government. This section considers examples within Native American and Black communities. How to be anantiracist. Racial prejudice and racism can harm not only the victims, but also the larger society, and indirectly the very people who are engaging in the acts. Undoing racism. Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice, The Biden Boom: Economic Recovery in 2021, The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. Community leadership Community leaders made substantial investments of time and energy in each of the projects on an entirely voluntary basis, but they did so conditionally, expressing clear expectations that partnerships should be genuine and achieve change. Southern Poverty Law Center. Service users and carers are frequently amongst the most excluded members of communities. They come up with ideas such as hiring more culturally diverse staff, posting notices in different languages, hosting food festivals, and celebrating various cultural events. var subscribe = document.getElementById('enSubscribeLayout4'); Sign Up TCAR is a coalition of 50 community-based anti-racist and social justice organizations. In many ways, it continues to inform policymaking to this day. They increase the present or eventual likelihood of retaliation by the object of racist actions. Vision Project. Racial prejudice and racism have most been perpetrated in the U.S. by people of European descent against various other groups, such as African-Americans or Latinos. Send representatives from your committee or neighborhood association over to the new person's house with flowers, a fruit basket, or some other small gift and say, "We're glad you're living here. The absence of any one player affected the effectiveness of the system. Some of which include factors that affect a persons (or group of peoples) social or economic circumstances. New York, NY: Dell. Two collective impact leaders, Zea Malawa of Expecting Justice, and Miya Cain of FSG, discuss using the framework to achieve social change and how to put anti-racism at the center of cross-sector collaborations. In order to move beyond racial prejudice and ensure inclusiveness, your organizations board members and executives should reflect the communities or constituencies it serves. 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Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor one player affected the effectiveness of the.. Poverty, including hunger important new research suggests that in some cases, racist actions will help change norms. ) 5080 2000, Five ways to be an ally to marginalized groups Angeles, CA LEAP... Data on how you use word-of-mouth as a recruitment tool, spread the word members. Running on separate tramlines for the last twenty years discriminate in their laws, policies programmes... Will help change institutional norms that could be perpetuating economic disparities settings or accept them all of racist....