- Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. 2023 Corteva. Choosing a triclopyr product is more complex than for glyphosate because there are several distinct formulations, summarized in Table 1. If you're not careful, you could be applying a half- or double-rate. Cody Herbicide is ideal for use by farmers and ranchers when controlling weeds on croplands and non-cropland areas. . - Field Bioassay Instructions: In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample field conditions such as soil texture, soil pH, drainage, and any other variable that could affect the seed bed of the new crop. Step 5. Agitation in the spray tank must be vigorous to compare with jar test agitation. If grass is to be cut for hay, Agricultural Use Requirements for the Worker Protection Standard are applicable - Maximum Use Rates:-for control of susceptible annual and biennial and perennial broadleaf weeds (such as biennial thistles, spotted and diffuse knapweed, yellow starthistle and Canada thistle) 2 quarts (1 lb ae 2,4-D) per acre -moderately susceptible biennial and perennial broadleaf weeds: 3 to 4 quarts (1.5 to 2 lb ae 2,4-D) per acre -difficult to control weeds (such as Russian knapweed): 4 quarts (2 lb ae 2,4-D) per acre Reapplication Interval:Do not apply within 30 days of a previous application of 2,4-D. - Maximum Seasonal Rate:Make no more than one application of Curtail per season. This operational constraint reinforces the label restrictions against applying triclopyr products using a mistblower. Specific Use Precautions:- Banvel tank mixes with Curtail M may be useful in broadening the annual weed control spectrum but may reduce control of perennials, such as Canada thistle. Extreme growing conditions such as drought or near freezing temperatures prior to, at or following application may reduce weed control and increase the risk of crop injury at all stages of growth. 25 gallon sprayer: 32 oz. "Garlon 4 Ultra"). Photo by Art Gover. Click to reveal NOTE: Carefully read the directions and precautions contained on the label of the herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide with which PREFERENCE is to be used. An effective mix also provides flexibility through a wide application timing window, as well as location within the landscape. 0000007865 00000 n Treatment of Canada thistle in the bud stage and later may result in less consistent control. Applications in the boot stage and beyond will result in increased potential for injury. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Company shipped quickly and price was reasonable. For fallow croplands, do not apply more than twice a year. This ensures the two herbicides are not together in the mix at high concentrations prior to reaching final dilution. It's great for killing broad weeds in yards especially creeping Charlie. As vegetative canopy and weed density increase, spray volume should be increased to obtain equivalent weed control. 0000038100 00000 n Curtail herbicide has superior control of Canada thistle. Once the application site is dried the pets and children will be safe to re-enter. 0000001775 00000 n Curtail controls many annual broadleaf species such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters and volunteer sunflower. You purchase a 25 lb bag of the herbicideYou purchase a 25 lb bag of the herbicide . Spray over the weeds you want to kill. To control or suppress listed weeds, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). GRASSES GROWN FOR SEEDApplication Timing Apply only to established grasses before the boot stage of growth. Apply the spray the same day it is prepared while maintaining continuous agitation.Note: Foliar-applied liquid fertilizers can cause yellowing or leaf burn of crop foliage. 128 ratio number = ounces per gallon. Add 3/4 of the required spray volume to the spray tank and start agitation.2. Later applications may result in less consistent control. Invert the jar containing the mixture several times and observe the mixture for approximately 1/2 hour. Adding metsulfuron-methyl (e.g. - Always perform a (jar) test to ensure the compatibility of products to be used in tank mixture. https://greenbook-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/D02-033-015_Curtail_Specimen_Label.pdf. Remove meat animals from freshly treated areas 7 days before slaughter. Depending on the severity of the growth you are trying to kill, you can use a volume of 0.5 percent (which is 0.7 ounces of the herbicide) all the way to 10 percent (which is 13 . 0000009438 00000 n Hand-Held Sprayers: Hand-held sprayers may be used for spot applications. It translocates to the root for complete control. What do I do.? To obtain season-long control of perennial weeds, such as Canada thistle, apply after the majority of the weeds basal leaves have emerged from the soil up to bud stage. Curtail successfully eliminates all weeds and other vegetation growing in the field, without harming the desirable wheat and barley plants. oz./1,000 sq. Tank Mix Compatibility Testing: A jar test is recommended prior to tank mixing to ensure compatibility of Curtail and other pesticides. If there is apparent herbicidal activity, do not plant the field to the test rotational crop; plant only a labeled crop or crop listed in the table below for which the rotational interval has clearly been met. Put on a long shirt and long pair of pants. 0000003145 00000 n Application rates in the table are based on an area of 1000 sq ft. K. karol . Spot TreatmentsTo prevent misapplication, it is recommended that spot treatments be applied only with a calibrated boom or with hand sprayers according to directions provided below. Curtail M is not registered for sale or use in all states. Does anyone know how many ml or fluid oz. To control or suppress weeds listed on the label, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). Step 2: Mix in a Handheld Sprayer. Application rates in the table are based on an area of 1000 sq ft. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. FLAXApplication TimingApply Curtain M when flax is 2 to 6 inches tall and target weeds are actively growing. The water-soluble, 4-pound gallon ("Vastlan") features the labeled uses of "Garlon 3A" and equivalents, a better Signal Word (WARNING compared to DANGER), a less volatile formulation, and a more concentrated product. This should take a few hours, more or less. 1.28 oz. 2. Please remember that applications to vegetation emerging from open water require a site-specific permit (in Pennsylvania). - Field Bioassay Instructions: In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample field conditions such as soil texture, soil pH, drainage, and any other variable that could affect the seed bed of the new crop. Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. If the mixture balls-up, forms flakes, sludges, jels, oily films or layers, or other precipitates, it is not compatible and the tank mix combination should not be used. Mix the contents of the tank thoroughly. It attacks weeds through the foliage and through the root system. Does anyone know how many ml or fluid oz. May 19, 2017 #19 pipes Active VIP Member. 0000026236 00000 n - Do not use on newly seeded areas until grass is well established as indicated by vigorous growth and development of tillers and secondary roots. Gallon Kit= 1.1 gallons of material. Observations to date indicate no antagonism between these herbicides, as control with glyphosate of Japanese knotweed, reed canarygrass, or common reed (Phragmites) is not reduced with the addition of triclopyr. To reduce spray drift, follow precautions under Avoiding Injury to Non-target Plantsbel. Application RatesGenerally, application rates at the lower end of the recommended rate range will be satisfactory for young, succulent growth of susceptible weed species. - For products packaged in water soluble packaging, do not tank mix with products containing boron or mix in equipment previously used to apply a product mixture containing boron unless the tank and spray equipment has been adequately cleaned. Store leftover Curtain herbicide away from children and pets in a location that remains above 40 degrees F. Call 1-800-992-5994 if you have an emergency while using this product. Specific Use Restrictions:- Do not apply more than 5 pints (1.5 lb ae) of Curtail M per acre per year. Tank MixingThis product may be applied in tank mix combination with labeled rates of other products provided (1) the tank mix product is labeled for the timing and method of application for the use site to be treated; and (2) tank mixing is not prohibited by the label of the tank mix product. Curtail M herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. Depends on the rate on the label for your specific application. In this example, 256 is our ratio number and by plugging it into our formula, we can determine how many ounces per gallon of product is needed. 4. Do no apply after flax has begun bolting as crop injury may occur if applied during the bloom period. of clopyralid per acre per single crop year. The lower rate should not be used in fallow cropland unless it is a part of a planned sequential treatment. An area of 1000 sq ft is approximately 10.5 x 10.5 yards (strides) in size. A final consideration is cost and availability. Having a more potent mix that results in fewer misses reduces retreatment time. LN2blf0Ln#^l y!G Xu%Wq? Do not apply after the boot stage. Works great on thistles and lots moremixed with Dicamba. oz./1,000 sq. 0000001221 00000 n Reactions: DaveB and ZIG. How much you put into a little 1 gallon wand sprayer?? Fill the desired tank, such as a crop sprayer, with two gallons of water for each acre you want to treat. Find supplemental labels for this product. Do not make more than 2 applications per year with a minimum retreatment interval of 21 days. For weeds such as biennial thistles, spotted and diffuse knapweed, yellow starthistle and Canada thistle, apply the 4 pint per acre rate on light to moderate infestations under good growing conditions. 0000012379 00000 n If allowed to stand after mixing, agitate spray mixture before use. When using Cody Herbicide, browning of the vegetation can be seen within 4 days and total control can take up to 3 to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the growth. Agitate during final filling of the spray tank and maintain sufficient agitation during application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture. 0000026133 00000 n Curtail herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. Note: Cody Herbicide has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Only protected handlers may be Please enter your email address below to create account. Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1 [50 messages per page] View previous thread:: View next thread Forums List-> Crop Talk: Message format . Tank Mixing Precautions:- Read carefully and follow all applicable use directions, precautions, and limitations on the respective product labels.- Do not exceed recommended application rates. A later application when the crop is between the jointing and boot stages of growth may be used to treat later-emerging weeds; however, do not apply unless the risk of injury is acceptable. After spraying Curtail, how long do I have to wait before planting? It has broad activity, and low risk to non-targets, and is economical both in terms of per-acre cost and container size, for the commercial applicator or the individual landowner. Make sure you are also wearing socks and shoes. can this product be sprayed over a mature food plot of clover and chicory?? 0000004852 00000 n Vendors that sell aquatic-labeled herbicides will also carry aquatic-labeled surfactants. If livestock are transferred within less than 7 days of grazing untreated pasture or eating untreated hay, urine and manure may contain enough clopyralid to cause injury to sensitive broadleaf plants. Fill the container full with w ater and recap. General InformationCurtail M herbicide is recommended for selective control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats and flax not underseeded with a legume, fallow cropland (including summer fallow, post-harvest, and set-aside acres), grasses grown for seed, rangeland, permanent grass pastures, and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres. One 2.5 gallon jug of Cody Herbicide can treat up to 5 acres. application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. The volume of pesticide added to the tank is the number of acres per tank (Step 4) multiplied by the volume of . Curtail M is a proven in-crop herbicide with control of Canada thistle in cereals, flax and canary seed. To calculate the amount of Curtail M required for larger areas, multiply the table value (fl oz or ml) by the area to be treated in thousands of square feet, e.g., if the area to be treated is 3500 sq ft, multiply the table value by 3.5 (calc. Precautions and Restrictions - Use directions in Dow AgroSciences supplemental labeling may supersede directions or limitations in this labeling. JavaScript is disabled. Jar tests are particularly important when a new batch of fertilizer or pesticide is used, when the water source changes, or when tank mixture ingredients or concentrations are changed. If the mixture balls-up, forms flakes, sludges, jels, oily films or layers, or other precipitates, it is not compatible and the tank mix combination should not be used. Post-harvest fall treatments may be made to actively growing Canada thistle after the majority of basal leaves have emerged. Cody Herbicide is used on label listed crop areas and non-crop areas to control for various types of broadleaf weeds. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. For less sensitive species, perennials, and under conditions where control is more difficult (plant stress conditions such as drought or extreme temperatures, dense weed stands and/or larger weeds), the higher rates within the rate range will be needed. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Cody Herbicide can be applied at rates of 1 pt/acre, 2 pt/acre, 2 2/3 pt/acre, 3 pt/acre, 4 pt/acre. 3. Milestone is ideal for treating invasive brush, conifers and hardwood species on professionally managed lands. 0000007887 00000 n Tank Mixtures Curtail M may be applied in tank mix combination with labeled rates of other products registered for postemergence application in wheat, barley, and oats. This product delivers effective weed control against the following: Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information. I would not allow my dogs or children around where you spray for a week or maybe more. Specific Use Restrictions:- Do not apply more than 2 1/3 pint (0.122 lb ae clopyralid plus 0.684 lb ae MCPA) per acre or make more than 1 application per crop season. KrXFb(Hv@\S. Put on protective eyewear, chemical-resistant gloves and a chemical-resistant apron. Observe the test crop for herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination), chlorosis (yellowing), and necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). Two approaches mitigate this effect. STEP 4: Spray an area using a gentle side-to-side sweeping motion maintaining a constant pressure. Do not apply to bentgrass unless injury can be tolerated. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR 2. - Apply only once per crop cycle, except for grasses grown for seed (see specific use directions). Protective eyewear, chemical-resistant gloves and a chemical-resistant apron Non-target Plantsbel pigweed, lambsquarters and volunteer sunflower density increase spray. 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