. Fish kills and algal outbreaks, associated with manure from unfenced herds of cattle and large poultry operations, make the river unhealthy and unpleasant for those hoping to enjoy it. 5 *completely legal* ways to pollute the Potomac, 6 local wetlands to quench your wanderlust. Monitoring Program The report found that more than 90 percent of the water quality monitoring stations where the state regularly samples the river and its tributaries detected E. coli at levels unsafe for human contact over the past two years. The cleanup deadlines for four of the implementation plans in the Valley have passed, but the waterways in three of these four remain impaired by fecal bacteria. There are 80,000 chemicals in the US marketplace. DEQs refusal to even evaluate this evidence to make an impairment determination is unacceptableas is EPAs failure to step in and perform its oversight duties as the Clean Water Act requires it to do., Phillip Ellis, Earthjustice, (202) 745-5221, Mark Frondorf, Shenandoah Riverkeeper, (571) 969-0746, Phillip Musegaas, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, (914) 806-0916, Hershel Finch, Warren County, VA Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America, (540) 270-1590, Stephan J. Kimm, Potomac River Smallmouth Club, (703) 928-5473, Potomac Riverkeeper The algae blooms, caused by agricultural runoff in the Shenandoah Valley, interfere with recreational uses of the river, such as swimming, kayaking and fishing. DuPont's textile operations discharged tens of thousands of pounds of mercury into the South River from 1929 to 1950. Hayden said no one at the agency had reviewed the report yet, so he couldnt comment on the specifics. The most important way Virginia could better implement its TMDLs would be to impose regulations that reduce the chronic over-application of manure to farm fields, especially those adjacent to waterways. Upper Potomac 443.480.8970 Rappahannock River Basin, Roanoke and Yadkin River Basin, Shenandoah River Basin, . Periodically, we publish reports that describe what we are learning in the field. 2023 Environmental Integrity Project. Virginias monitoring of water quality is inadequate. These monitoring reports are more in-depth than resource briefs and include data analysis and a discussion of our findings. Please use language that is accurate and respectful. Shenandoah Riverkeeper, represented by Earthjustice, filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA for its failure to act in the face of this threat. Partly in response to that report and its own follow up study, Virginia boosted its reimbursement rates for farmers who install fencing, leading to increased sign-ups for the fencing reimbursement program last year. There are sections where its just completely unproductive to go fish anymore because the algae is taking up all the oxygen and the fish just cant survive, he said Wednesday in a conference call with reporters. PRKNs EIN # is 54-1982624. This is an opinion piece that tries to paint agriculture in a bad light, said Stoneman, who has been the federations point person on water quality and environmental issues for 22 years. Agricultural pollution, primarily from manure runoff from fields and livestock yards, was a source of contamination for 71 percent (or 723) of the impaired miles of rivers and streams that were assessed in 2020. South Fork Shenandoah River Project Title South River Mercury TMDL Number 2482-9RO95 Cooperating Agencies Virginia Department of Environmental Quality US EPA - Region III Project Chief Jack Eggleston jegglest@usgs.gov 804-261-2652 Cooperator Robert Brent mbrent@deq.virginia.gov 540-574-7848 Period of Project Jan. 2005 - Oct. 2008 The report by the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), Water Quality in the Shenandoah Valley: Virginias Cleanup Plans Fail to Solve Bacteria Problem, urges Virginia to take strong steps to protect people swimming in waterways contaminated with fecal bacteria, including by issuing health advisories and posting warning signs and by cracking down on manure runoff from livestock operations. Fax: (202) 296-8822, 1206 San Antonio Street . And so Mark Frondorf, Shenandoah Riverkeeper, has launched the Respect the Shenandoah Campaign. Its a matter of basic fairness.. Herschel Finch, a fisher, kayaker and the conservation chairman of the Potomac River Smallmouth Club, said when he moved to the Shenandoah Valley in 1977, the fishing was fantastic. The Shenandoah River is a very popular river for canoeing, river tubing, and white-water recreation such as rafting and kayaking (class I-III in season, II-III+ during the spring run-off), and several commercial outfitters offer a variety of guided trips and rentals. But 47 percent of the waterways impaired by bacteria in the Shenandoah Valley lack either cleanup or implementation plans. (1/7) Dear Potomac Conservancy community: After much consideration, our organization has made the decision to paus, We're a proud sponsor of the 5th Taking Nature Black Conference hosted by @, Citing public health threats, local groups sue over Shenandoah River pollution, E.coli bacteria caused the cancellation of the Nations Triathlon swim portion, History we should know: How the Potomac shaped our community. That manure can leak into groundwater or wash into surrounding streams when it rains, eventually making it to the Shenandoah, which joins the Potomac that empties into the Chesapeake Bay. The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, EPA should have identified the Shenandoah River as impaired based on extensive data demonstrating that widespread algae blooms prevent the river from meeting Virginias water quality standards. Recent heavy flooding in the Shenandoah Valley from Hurricane Isabel heightens the groups' concerns of contamination, since much of the mercury from the plant is thought to remain in floodplain. When the contamination was disclosed in 1977, the state was forced to declare a fish consumption health advisory for over 100 miles downriver of the plant. The state adopted new regulations that tolerate higher concentrations of fecal bacteria (410 units of E. coli bacteria per 100 ml water, instead of 235 under the old standards.) Four local environmental groups are suing the EPA over pollution levels in Virginias Shenandoah River, a major tributary to the Potomac. That means the health of the people in the Shenandoah Valley is at risk, and a Virginia treasure -- part of our children's heritage -- is being diminished," said Michael Town, director of the Sierra Club's Virginia Chapter. They include a descriptive narrative of what we monitor and why, our field methods, how we analyze and manage our data, and more. In the absence of a mechanism for conducting frequent seasonal bacteria monitoring at freshwater beaches, VDH lacks the data necessary to make advisory decisions for these waters, Smigo wrote in an email. Shenandoah Riverkeeper isopposing the construction of the pipeline because it can be built without hurting the habitat of a number of endangered species, it endangers the George Washington National Forest, and sedimentation caused by construction could threaten the water quality. The Environmental Integrity Projects report makes the following recommendations: The Virginia General Assembly and VDEQ need to invest enough in staffing and resources to create cleanup and implementation plans for the nearly half of impaired waterway miles in the Shenandoah Valley that lack one or the other of them today. It's great for wildlife, too. Robinson River flowing through Whiteoak Canyon in Shenandoah National Park. Stocked trout have been tested and are safe to eat. The alert applies to about 11 miles of the rivers North Fork, extending from just above Strasburg at VA Route 644 to just below the town at Route 611. Environmental Integrity Project's Twitter. Many farmers will use animal waste as a fertilizer for crops. Agricultural runoff in the Shenandoah Valley are causing the algae outbreaks. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the federal statute under which the two groups are planning to bring suit, a notice of intent must be served 90 days in advance of filing a lawsuit. Riverkeeper is a registered trademark and service mark of Potomac Riverkeeper Network, Inc. and is licensed for use herein. We wish to see our river returned to the condition it once was, a fishable, swimmable waterway, and enjoyable experience, unencumbered by the thick, extensive mats of algae we see today.. Mark also served onthe Board of Directors for the Mid-Atlantic Federation of Fly Fishers. The company, Electron Hydro LLC, also will pay $1 million that mostly . ADVERTISEMENT Shenandoah RIVERKEEPERMark Frondorf joined Potomac RIVERKEEPERNetwork in 2015. Back in 2018, Smigo said her agency asked the Virginia General Assembly for about $200,000 in additional state funding to start a freshwater swimming area safety program, including by conducting more sampling and raising bacteria warning signs for swimmers on waterways that are impaired for bacteria. The low buffering capacity of a large percentage of soils in the park provides limited protection from acid deposition. Many small farms are not regulated and difficult for government agencies to monitor. That has not occurred according to the most recent data collected by the Commonwealth. The number of waterway sites sampled for bacteria by Virginia is also declining, with an average of 70 places on waterways in the Shenandoah Valley sampled between 2015 and 2018, but only 35 in 2019 and 25 in 2020. Proposed standards are due before the end of 2023. & Waterkeepers Chesapeake. The North Fork of the Shenandoah River is approximately 95 miles long, while the South Fork runs about 150 miles. Washington, DC 20005, Phone: (202) 296-8800 These Combined Sewer Overflows release pollutants like fecal coliform bacteria and e. coli into the waterway that can sicken animals, fish, and humans, and deplete oxygen levels causing harmful algal blooms. The study found that almost 70 percent of the river and stream miles in the Shenandoah Valley that have been assessed by the state (1,014 of 1,461 miles) had so much fecal bacteria in them that they were considered to be impaired for recreational uses in 2020 (using terms used in the federal Clean Water Act for waterways so polluted they require cleanup plan.). Due to the protection of the surrounding forests, the water in these streams is generally of high quality and low in sediment load. There are 18 local Waterkeepers in the Chesapeake Bay region waiting for your reports. The number of water monitoring sites in the Shenandoah Valley declined from an average of 70 per year from 2015 to 2018, to 30 per year in 2019 and 2020, with many of the excluded sites having the highest levels of bacteria. Shenandoah 571.969.0746 Thanks for signing up. Mercury pollution is known to cause severe physiological, behavioral, and reproductive disorders and is particularly harmful to developing fetuses. As a result of high air pollution levels, atmospheric deposition is the greatest threat to protected mountain streams. Some of problems are old and ongoing, but others are new. A recent report by the Environmental Integrity Project found that Virginias pollution management system allows agricultural operations to dispose of their manure by spreading it on fields that are already saturated with nitrogen, leaving the excess to run off of fields and fuel algae blooms in the river. 7 local animals making a comeback thanks to clean water, 7 tree-mendous facts: How trees support the Potomac River, us, and each other, Study finds the Potomac is getting saltier, threatening drinking water and wildlife. The study, conducted by the Environmental Integrity Project, says the pollution is because of animal waste runoff. E. coli pollution is also an issue for the Potomac River. follow these guidelines. Cleaning up our local streams and creeks isn't just good for public health. Discover 11 fun facts about the mysterious, magical powers of trees and how we can help support them! Unfortunately, much of it is making its way into our rivers, causing serious threats to wildlife and public health, a new study found. Greg Bilyeu, Director of Communications Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ), said his agency is planning to increase the frequency of its bacteria monitoring in certain, select areas where people actually swim, and will release an updated bacteria monitoring strategy this fall. Document changes in stream channel characteristics at sampling sites. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) Excessive livestock manure from millions of turkeys, chickens and cows in Virginia is making its way into the Shenandoah River, polluting the scenic waterway with unsafe levels of E. coli, according to a new report from an environmental advocacy group. This is a transmission line to get fracked gas out of Pennsylvania and West Virginia and ship it down to North Carolina and Portsmouth, Virginia. The Commonwealth also eliminated the states swimming advisory standard for freshwater recreation areas in October 2019 and changed its standard for impaired waters. Using state records, it was found that more than 90 percent of the water quality monitoring stations where the state regularly samples the Shenandoah River found fecal bacteria (also known as E. coli) at levels unsafe for human contact. Margaret Smigo, Waterborne Hazards Program Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), said that her agency does not have funding or staff to conduct adequate testing in freshwater swimming areas of the state, like campgrounds along the Shenandoah River. Rising salt levels in the Potomac River threaten wildlife, drinking water. Detect water quality measures that exceed threshold values and determine their compliance with state and federal water quality standards. Most of that is spread on surrounding farmland, the report found. Last month, the DuPont Company announced its plan to stop mercury from contaminating the South River, which is one of the leading tributaries for the South Fork of the Shenandoah. Last year, health officials placed 52 miles of its length under advisory from early August to mid-September after discovering cyanobacteria in the water. Recreational uses can continue in the river as long as people dont touch the blanket of scum. "Instead of solving the problem, the DuPont funded team is just generating lots of reports, not one of which is aimed toward a cleanup.". Washington, DC 20005, Phone: (202) 296-8800 The agency had to pause a high-frequency bacteria pilot study (and all other monitoring) in spring and early summer 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bilyeu wrote in an email. The Potomac Riverkeeper Network is a "In the Shenandoah River basin, animal manure is the major source of E. coli bacteria either from cattle wandering directly into rivers and streams or manure being spread onto crops and pastures as fertilizer, which runs off into waterways, according to a 2017 Environmental Integrity Project report, 'Water Pollution from Livestock in the . Reports will go to your local Waterkeeper. Lives are lost every year from this pollution, and our economy is forced to bear the burden of . This is why Shenandoah Riverkeeper has filed its notice of intent to sue the EPA. Its almost a five-hour drive for people living in the Shenandoah Valley to drive to a Virginia beach and they should not be treated like second-class citizens due to their lack of proximity to a saltwater beach, said Frondorf. Some fish in the two rivers currently have mercury levels more than eight times the level at which the state issues health advisories. Henrico County and environmental groups involved in a lawsuit over pollution from a local sewage treatment facility reached a settlement requiring the county to notify the public of overflows, ramp up system improvements and invest $1 million in environmental work. Virginia did not follow that recommendation, and instead eliminated its state freshwater beach action value.. 72 Percent of Sampling Locations in Valley Had E Coli Bacteria Above EPA Safe Swimming Recommendations in 2020. But unlike in DC where sewage overflows are to blame, its agricultural runoff thats harming the Shenandoah. Each of these rivers eventually flows into the Chesapeake Bay. So far this time, cyanotoxins have been below or just above the detection level in water samples tested not high enough to trigger advisories, health officials say. On this episode of fishing the DMV we talk to Mark Frondorf. * Misrepresentation of your identity or affiliation No more than two meals pound each or the size of your hand of fish per month should be eaten from the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. They stop pollution to promote safe drinking water, protect healthy river habitats, and enhance public use and enjoyment. The agency has refused, even as evidence of the impairment has grown. The Clean Water Act and other environmental laws allow residents to improve their local rivers and streams through citizen suits. On behalf of Potomac Riverkeeper Network members and the residents throughout the watershed, Shenandoah Riverkeeper and its attorneys routinely monitor known polluters. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store. The Shenandoah Valley is a place of incomparable beauty and cultural value, but its continued health is at risk, says the report, which suggests the states manure management system isnt adequately protecting human health or water quality and is undermining Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts. Learn More Our Rivers According to water quality monitoring data from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, 72 percent (or 18 of 25) of monitoring sites along the Shenandoah Valley and its tributaries had levels of E. coli bacteria last year above EPAs recommendations for swimming. That advisory continues today. 7 benefits of urban trees for communities, clean water, and more! (For specifics, see Appendix C). Algae bloom on the Shenandoah River. Algal blooms occur throughout the Chesapeake Bay system. We aim to provide a forum for fair and open dialogue. VDEQ intends to complete the bacteria pilot study in 2021 and will share the results with the public., VDEQ in October 2019 also modified the standard that the state uses to determine if waterways are impaired for recreation, a determination that triggers requirements for long-term clean-up plans under the federal Clean Water Act. * Incorrect, fraudulent or misleading content For more than 20 years, DuPont leaked mercury from the textile plant into the South River, eventually ending up in the Shenandoah River. Experts say that they usually are a symptom of an ecosystem out of balance. Their stories of recovery are nothing short of inspiring. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Fish consumption advisories have been in place on the South River and South Fork Shenandoah River since the mid-1970s. Its website can be found at www.sierraclub.org. Shenandoah River The famed Shenandoah River is the major waterway and drainage system of the Shenandoah Valley. WASHINGTON, D.C. In a victory for clean water, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced its intent to publish updated water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and animal rendering facilities by August 2025, following a lawsuit filed by community and conservation organizations late last year. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has also assessed a very low percentage of waters, leaving residents guessing whether it is safe to swim and recreate in the rivers and streams.. The Clean Water Act and other environmental laws allow residents to improve their local rivers and streams through citizen suits. On behalf of Potomac Riverkeeper Network members and the residents throughout the watershed, Shenandoah Riverkeeper and its attorneys routinely monitor known polluters. Ninety-two percent of every dollardonated goes directly to efforts to reduce illegal pollution. For example, EIP examined 11 watershed cleanup implementation plans in the Shenandoah Valley, and found that the state was not following its the water quality monitoring requirements in 10 of them. The Riverkeeper programs also work on some policy and legislative issues related to our work protecting access to the rivers. When the fish arent there, fishermen stay away too, and Finch said hes seen tourism-related businesses shut down. An outdated sewer system is to blame. Trees do so much for our climate and clean water, but what do they do for our health? 10/13/2020 Whenever it rains in Washington, D.C., raw sewage spills into the Potomac River. Developing fetuses soils in the two rivers currently have mercury levels more than eight times level! As a fertilizer for crops end of 2023 region waiting for your reports million that mostly spread on farmland! 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