uss tennessee battleship crew list

A three-month visit to Hawaii began in April 1927. [4][10][11], Tennessee remained trapped by the sunken battleships around her until Maryland could be pulled free on 9 December; she had been wedged into the dock by Oklahoma when she capsized and sank. [4] After the battle, Oldendorf was promoted to the rank of vice admiral and made the commander of Battleship Squadron One, with Tennessee still as his flagship. Tennessee rotated out to Saipan on 27 July to replenish fuel and ammunition before returning the next day. In place of her .50-caliber machine guns, she received a battery of sixteen 1.1in (28mm) guns in quadruple mounts and fourteen 20mm (0.79in) Oerlikon autocannon. On 16 October, she departed for Singapore, where Oldendorf transferred to the cruiser USSSpringfield; from there, Tennessee crossed the Indian Ocean, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and steamed up the Atlantic to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, which she reached on 7 December.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. ROGNESS Halvor E. PVT USA HICKAM FIELD. The foremast was replaced with a tower mast that housed the bridge and the main battery director, and her second funnel was removed, with those boilers being trunked into an enlarged forward funnel. By the time the bombardment group arrived on the scene, Kurita had disengaged, having been convinced by Taffy 3's heavy resistance that he was instead facing the far more powerful Fast Carrier Task Force. USS Tennessee (BB-43) with capsized hulk of USS Oklahoma (BB-37) at lower right. Click to view crew list BB-43 USS TENNESSEE USS Tennessee began service when the US Navy commissioned her in June 1920. The ship received orders on 29 October to leave the Philippines for a thorough overhaul at the Puget Sound Navy Yard. Fighting ashore ended the next day, 23 November, but Tennessee remained in the area until 3 December to guard against a possible Japanese counter-thrust. USS Tennessee, a 32,300-ton battleship, was built at the New York Navy Yard. USS Tennessee took part in Fleet Problems I through XXI, setting sail for the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic, Alaska, and Panama. Small elements seized nearby islets that would be used as fire bases for field artillery, and late in the day, Tennessee used her secondary battery to support a marine reconnaissance company that set marker buoys to guide the assault craft the next day.[4]. Suitable for Ages 14 & Up. For her wartime service, USS Tennessee earned 10 Service stars, the American Campaign Medal/Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Navy Occupation Medal (Asia Clasp), Philippine Presidential Unit Citation, Philippine Liberation Medal, American Defense Service Medal, and the Navy Unit Commendation. While the Japanese forces made their way to the Philippines, Tennessee continued to operate off the beachhead; Japanese resistance ashore did not necessitate heavy fire support, but increased air attacks kept Tennessee occupied with providing anti-aircraft defense to the fleet. USS Tennessee (BB-43) bombarding Guam, 19 July 1944. The three battleships were escorted by four destroyers. The work was completed by late February 1942, and Tennessee got underway on 25 February with Maryland and the battleship Colorado. At 04:00 on 14 June, Tennessee and the rest of TG 52.17 began the approach to their bombardment positions off the island; the first ships opened fire at 05:39 and Tennessee joined them nine minutes later. All shooting ceased at 06:30 to allow the carrier aircraft to make their attacks for the next thirty minutes. Shortly thereafter, dive bombers arrived overhead and fighters strafed the ships' anti-aircraft batteries. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. [4][15] The two battleships withdrew from the area at nightfall to reduce the risk of a Japanese submarine attack before returning the next morning. PearlHarbor.Org is a privately owned website and is not owned or operated by, nor affiliated with, a Government Agency. Twelve years later, she was formally struck from the Naval Vessel Register. Expert researcher and WWII historian Bill Beigel will conduct a thorough search of deck logs, squadron after action reports, and other records, concerning units and individuals who served in the Navy in World War II. At 08:52 on 22 February, Tennessee checked her fire as the landing craft made their way to the beach. [4] Maintenance in Boston followed, and two of her 5-inch guns were removed. Tennessee joined the bombardment group for the former, Task Group 52.17, under the command of Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf, which also included California, Maryland, and Colorado. The FLETCHER Class destroyer USS JOHNSTON was built by the Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Company. Troops landed on the former island after a short preparatory bombardment, and Tennessee spent much of 18 February anchored some 5,500yd (5,000m) from the island, bombarding Japanese positions as the marines ground their way across Eniwetok. Port bow. The attack was part of the final phase of Operation Cartwheel, the plan to isolate and neutralize the major Japanese base at Rabaul; while Tennessee's unit raided Kavieng as a diversion, a marine force would land on Emirau. As they probed the Japanese defenses and encountered strongpoints, the marines called on Tennessee and other ships to knock them out by way of shore fire control parties that were tied to individual ships. [9], Fleet Problem XXI, the last iteration of the series, was held in early 1940; afterward, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered that the Battle Force transfer its homeport from San Pedro to Pearl Harbor in response to rising tension with Japan over the latter's waging of the Second Sino-Japanese War. That night, she fired star shells to illuminate the battlefield and prevent Japanese infiltrators from breaking through American lines. Just over a year and a half later, ships like USS Tennessee were caught in a real situation that echoed the very things planned for during the Fleet Problems. The American infantry encountered little serious resistance, and the Japanese garrison had been destroyed by 20 September, allowing Tennessee to steam to Kossol Roads, where she replenished fuel and ammunition. After undergoing another round of upgrades and rebuilds, Tennesseelooked more like West Virginia and California after they had been rebuilt following the attack on Pearl Harbor. why is tennessee in a state of emergency; irish cream and orange juice curdle; justin fletcher bbc pay; beck modern guilt acoustic; COTTON COVERALL. During the bombardment, Tennessee and California flattened Tinian Town with a barrage of 480rounds from their main batteries and 800shells from their 5in guns. The ships of the bombardment group experimented with using telescopic sights to aim guns individually, which proved to be particularly effective in destroying point targets such as the Japanese artillery. By 10:30 the crew had suppressed the fires aboard the ship, though oil still burned in the water around the ship for another two days. . Tennessee steamed to the Puget Sound Navy Yard for repairs before moving to Pearl Harbor, arriving there on 12 August. Muster rolls are arranged by ship class. The ships reached their bombardment positions in the early hours of 19 October, and at 06:45, Tennessee and the other vessels began the bombardment, which lasted throughout the day and prompted little Japanese response, apart from a single bomber that failed to hit any of the ships. By 14 June, the anticipated attack did not materialize, and so Pye turned his task force back to San Francisco. [4], The first target of the Gilbert and Marshall campaign was the island of Betio, the main Japanese position in the Tarawa Atoll. A battery of Japanese 4.7in (120mm) field guns hidden in a cave on Tinian opened fire on Tennessee and scored three hits, one of which disabled one of her secondary turrets; the other two did minimal damage and started a small fire. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. Poor visibility from rain squalls and low clouds masked their approach, and at 07:00 Tennessee launched her Kingfishers. The first bomb struck the center gun of turret two and disabled it entirely, while the second crashed through turret three. [4] Vice Admiral Shji Nishimura's Southern Force steamed through the Surigao Strait to attack the invasion fleet in Leyte Gulf; his force comprised Battleship Division 2the battleships Yamashiro and Fus, the heavy cruiser Mogami, and four destroyersand Vice Admiral Kiyohide Shima's Second Striking Forcethe heavy cruisers Nachi and Ashigara, the light cruiser Abukuma, and four more destroyers. Debris from the first bomb was blown onto the command deck of USS West Virginia (BB-48), mortally wounding Mervyn S. Bennion, the nearby ships commanding officer. By this time, several torpedoes launched by the Japanese vessels approached the American line, but none of them struck the battleships. Fighting raged on Iwo Jima until 26 March, but the fleet needed to begin preparations for the next assault against the island of Okinawa, so Tennessee sailed to the major staging area at Ulithi to replenish ammunition and other supplies. Battleship USS Tennessee as she pours broadside of shell into enemy implacements on Iwo Jima 1945. She was sponsored by Mrs. Marie S. Klinger, great-niece of LT John Johnston. The bombardment group unleashed a flurry of shells from a range of around 2,500yd (2,300m) from 05:32 to 07:47, at which point the marines made their assault on the beach. Roosevelt hoped the move would deter further Japanese expansionism. st michael's high school reunion; ecw roster 2006; leavenworth wa police scanner; carotid artery embalming; does cashew milk cause gas; heritage softail windshield brackets T-SHIRT This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. [4], Early on 12 September, the ships of the bombardment groupTennessee, Pennsylvania, four cruisers, and five destroyersbegan the preparatory bombardment of Anguar. [4], On 24 October, reports of Japanese naval forces approaching the area led Oldendorf's ships to prepare for action at the exit of the Surigao Strait. The ship was ordered to destroy a large stone lighthouse to prevent the Japanese from using it as an observation post, but after hitting it three times, it remained standing, and so she shifted fire to other targets. No An official form of the United States government. With the fight still raging on Eniwetok, Tennessee was diverted to support the landing on Parry Island with Pennsylvania the next morning. The crew of the resilient warship fought from Alaska's Aleutian Islands to Tokyo Bay, surviving enemy artillery, bombs, and kamikaze attacks, and even collisions with other American warships. USS Tennessee (BB-43), the lead ship of her class of battleship, was the third ship of the United States Navy named in honor of the 16th US state. After replenishing her ammunition and stores, she departed for Hawaii for further battle training. One of these US destroyers torpedoed Fus and disabled her, though Nishimura continued on toward his objective. On 12 April, the Japanese launched a major strike on the fleet. By the time Tennessee arrived, the task force had already retaken Attu, so Tennessee was initially occupied with patrolling for Japanese forces that might launch a counter-attack. New anti-torpedo bulges were installed and her internal compartmentalization was improved to strengthen her resistance to underwater damage. In the final months of the war, she operated primarily in the East China Sea, and after Japan's surrender in August, she participated in the occupation of Japan before returning to the US late in the year. Thomas Gorey, the chief staff officer at Joint. At 04:08, Tennessee fired one last salvo at the fleeing Japanese ships. In February of 1942, she began training with Task Force 1. An airfield would then be built to complete the encirclement of Rabaul. In March, she raided Kavieng to distract Japanese forces during the landing on Emirau, and from June through September, she fought in the Mariana and Palau Islands campaign, bombarding Japanese forces during the Battles of Saipan, Guam, Tinian, and Anguar. [14], The ship's weapons suite was also overhauled. The records are part of Record Group 24, Records of . After that interlude, she again provided fire support to the marines as they fought their way through Japanese defenses. The marines quickly captured Roi, but the Japanese defenders on Namur put up a strong defense before being defeated the next day. Commissioned in June 1920, she operated in the Atlantic area for a year and then transferred to the U.S. Pacific coast, where she was based for nearly two decades. Captain Richard H. Leigh served as the ship's first commanding officer. Tennessee shelled Japanese forces during the Battle of Iwo Jima in February 1945 and the Battle of Okinawa from March to June. After a lengthy and illustrious service, the final fate of the Tennessee was to be sold as scrap to the Bethlehem Steel Company. Tennessee added her firepower to the effort over the next several days, bombarding Japanese positions until 21 June when the island was declared secure. The shooting was interrupted by a carrier strike, after which the ships took up a heavier pace of fire. At 12:35 the American guns fell silent and the ships withdrew. [4], The Pacific Fleet began its next major offensive, code-named Operation Forager, the invasion of the Mariana Islands. On May 31, 1943, Tennessee set sail for Alaska to support the Aleutian Islands Campaign defending against Japans relentless attack. The rest of the 1930s followed the usual routine. The Tennessee class was part of the standard series of twelve battleships built in the 1910s and 1920s, and were developments of the preceding New Mexico class. That day, Tennessee steamed to Majuro, which had become the US fleet's primary anchorage and staging area in the Marshalls. She opened fire at 05:00, targeting Japanese coastal artillery batteries on Little Kiska Island. Named for its lead ship, the Tennessee -class offered more robust protection from enemy torpedoes as well as fire-control systems for both primary and secondary gun batteries. She then steamed to Yokosuka, where her crew inspected one of the Japanese fleet's main naval bases. On 17 September, the Army's 81st Infantry Division stormed the beaches, and Tennessee remained offshore to provide fire support for the following two days. An East Tennessee museum is helping to keep alive the memory of the USS Tennessee, one of the most commended battleships in naval history. The ship's light anti-aircraft battery opened up on the D3A and damaged it, but not enough to prevent it from crashing into her signal bridge at about 14:50. [4][10] In an effort to push the burning oil away from the ship, she turned her screws at a speed of 5 knots (9.3km/h; 5.8mph). The landing triggered the Japanese high command to initiate Operation Sh-G 1, a complicated counter-thrust that involved four separate fleets converging on the Allied invasion fleet to destroy it. [4] One plane crashed near Tennessee but did no damage. From there, she moved to Tulagi, where she took part in amphibious assault training. There, Rear Admiral Theodore E. Chandler replaced Kingman as the commander of Battleship Division Two. The portions of Tennessee's hull plating and electrical wiring that had been damaged by the fire were replaced, and her aft lattice mast was replaced with a small tower. In the course of the war, Tennessee had fired a total of 9,347shells from her main battery, 46,341shells from her 5-inch guns and more than 100,000rounds from her antiaircraft battery. In wartime, voids in the hull could be filled too, for a grand total of 4,656 long tons (4,731 t). In the ensuing Battle of Tarawa that began on 20 November, Tennessee and Colorado provided extensive fire support as the marines struggled to fight their way ashore; while the initial preparatory bombardment had destroyed many crew-served weapons, it had not been sufficient to destroy Japanese beach defenses, a critical lesson the battle taught US forces. The Tennessee, Will Displace 32, 600 Tons. [25] She arrived there on 26 November and entered the dry-dock. Back underway again on 3 June, she returned to Okinawa, arriving six days later. [4] The secondary battery consisted of fourteen 5-inch (127mm)/51 caliber guns mounted in individual casemates clustered in the superstructure amidships. Anchored just 900yd (820m) from the beach, Tennessee opened up a barrage of fire at 12:04 that continued throughout the day and into the morning of 22 February, interrupted only by the need to cease fire during air attacks to avoid accidentally hitting American aircraft. After a stop at Saipan, she steamed to Guam, where the battle still raged, to provide fire support until 8 August. [4][7] In 1928, she had a crane and an aircraft catapult on her fantail to accommodate reconnaissance floatplanes. The U.S. Navy's newest warship, USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) is the largest and most technologically advanced surface combatant in the world. The ship was part of regular fleet operations and training missions for the next couple of decades. Casualties as follows: Men - ( killed outright) ADAMS, Jesse Leroy, #366-28-84, GM3c, USN; MILLER, J.B. Delano, #375-97-50, Cox, USN; ROE, Eugene Oscar, #279-65-37, Sqc, USN. After completing emergency repairs, the ship returned to the firing line on 14 April, remaining there for the next two weeks. Tennessee took on wounded men from three of the UDT gunboats to treat them in her sick bay. Crew members formed the USS NORTH CAROLINA Battleship Association in 1962 to hold reunions and maintain ties to one another and the ship. At 09:15, Tennessee led the troopships into the lagoon and approached the initial invasion target, the island of Engebi. Tennessee slowed, deployed paravanes from her bow to cut the mooring cables for any naval mines that might be in the area, and launched her Vought OS2U Kingfisher scout planes to spot the fall of her shells. We carry major brands such as Trumpeter, Tamiya, Dragon, Revell, Academy, Flyhawk, and more. Bismarck Battleship (Static) 1/350 Scale Plastic Model Battleship Kit $89.00 $63.69 SALE 28% Off Academy # acy1453 Add To Cart Wish List The weather had improved on 17 February, permitting the ships to more effectively target the Japanese defenses; Tennessee, Idaho, and the battleship Nevada opened fire at a range of 10,000yd (9,100m) before closing to 3,000yd (2,700m), pouring crushing fire on various targets around the island for about two hours before breaking off at 10:25. The explosion also showered burning oil over Tennessee's stern, and she was quickly surrounded by fire, which was augmented by oil leaking from West Virginia. [4][15], The next operation, the assault on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshalls, began on 31 January. She then steamed north, headed for Hampton Roads, Virginia, arriving on 19 March. Tennessee then began sea trials in Long Island Sound, which lasted from 15 to 23 October. The ships remained on station through 26 July, providing support to the marines as they battled the Japanese defenders. [25], After the routine pre-invasion bombardment, the main landing on Okinawa took place on 1 April. The bombardment group, which by now included Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, New Mexico, Idaho, Nevada, and the older battleships New York, Texas, and Arkansas, along with ten cruisers and thirty-two destroyers and destroyer escorts, arrived off the islands five days later. This article describes Muster Rolls of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Other Naval Activities, 1/1/1939 - 1/1/1949 (NAID 594996) located in the National Archives Catalog. Unlike previous assaults, the marines faced no opposition early in the operation; Lieutenant General Mitsuru Ushijima had withdrawn the bulk of his 100,000-strong army to the southern two-thirds of the island, where hilly terrain favored the defense. The Japanese launched a major naval counterattack that resulted in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, a series of four naval engagements. At 09:07, Tennessee began a 17-minute bombardment that saw her fire seventy 14-inch shells and 322rounds from her secondary guns. Last updated: January 15, 2021 Was this page helpful? They steamed at slow speed, since the minesweepers had not yet completed their task. [23] In the course of twelve minutes of shooting, Tennessee had fired 69armor-piercing shells. [4], Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the ships of the Pacific Fleet (re-designated as the Battle Fleet in 1922 and again as the Battle Force in 1931) conducted a routine of training exercises, the annual Fleet Problems, and periodic maintenance. The battleships opened fire at long range, since the minesweepers had not yet cleared the area of mines. The next day, she returned to Anguar and resumed the bombardment there. During the latter action, she was hit by a kamikaze but was not seriously damaged. She thereafter conducted routine operations off the west coast for the next year and a half until October 1934, when she crossed back to the Atlantic for further training there. ROMANO Simon OC1c USN USS ARIZONA. The Japanese were defeated by Spruance's carrier force in the ensuing Battle of the Philippine Sea, in which Tennessee did not participate. Crew, 12 Pounder Napoleon, 10 Pounder Rifle, Limber, Ammo : Tulius Hostilius: 07/11/2014: Confederate Artillery: Crew, 12 Pounder Napoleon, 10 Pounder Rifle, Limber, Ammo : Tulius Hostilius: 07/11/2014: Confederate Artillery (First Bull Run) Staunton Artillery, Washington Artillery, Alexandria Battery, Richmond Howitzer's Generic Light . [4][25][26], Later that night, Tennessee and Idaho came under submarine attack, but they narrowly evaded the torpedoes in the darkness. Poor visibility from rain squalls hampered efforts to direct their fire, which began at 07:07 and continued intermittently through the day, as Blandy had ordered his ships to shoot only when their spotter aircraft could observe impacts to avoid wasting ammunition. She departed that day with West Virginia, Maryland, and four cruisers, bound for Puget Sound by way of Pearl Harbor. West Virginia was torpedoed and sunk and Oklahoma capsized after being torpedoed. Oldendorf immediately turned his ships northward to join the battle, and while en route the ships came under Japanese air attack. As the marines fought their way ashore, Tennessee remained off the southern end of the landing zone, applying enfilading fire to support their advance. Picture Information. [4][27] Her bell is preserved and on display on Huntsville at the Museum of Scott County. In early 1922, she took part in fleet maneuvers in the Caribbean that saw the Pacific and Atlantic Fleets combine for large-scale training exercises. All Rights Reserved. Crew List of USS Cairo - learn the names and hometowns of the 215 crewmembers. California's Ships USS California (BB-44) The fifth ship to bear the name CALIFORNIA (BB- 44) was launched 20 November 1919 by Mare Island Navy Yard; sponsored by Mrs. R. T. Zane; and commissioned 10 August 1921, Captain H. J. Ziegemeier in command; and reported to the Pacific Fleet as flagship.For 20 years from 1921 until 1941, CALIFORNIA served first as flagship of the Pacific Fleet, then as . If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. She was commissioned on October 27, 1943, Commander Ernest E. Evans commanding. The ship remained on station supporting the marines on Saipan but that afternoon, withdrew to make temporary repairs and protect the troop transports from the expected Japanese counterattack. Fleet Problem XXI, which took place in April 1940, was designed to test the defense of Hawaii. They reached the naval yard of 29 December, where permanent repairs and a modernization began. Fla., June 5, 1862, which was deserted and burned by her crew. On the morning of December 7, 1941, Tennessee was moored inside of USS West Virginia (BB-48) along Battleship Row. The first partially penetrated the roof of turret III, failing to explode but sending fragments into the turret that disabled one of the guns. Ships Captain William C. Bryson, USN. [4][5] The changes doubled the ship's crew, to a total of 114officers and 2,129enlisted men. Seventy-six sailors and Marines lost their lives due to the wounds they sustained as a result of the attack on Dec. 7, 1941, according to Navy Cmdr. Tennessee held her fire until 05:40, when she unleashed a barrage of shells from her primary, secondary, and 40mm batteries at a range of 3,000yd (2,700m). [8], Her original 3-inch antiaircraft (AA) battery was replaced by eight 5-inch (127mm)/25 caliber guns during 19291930. At 13:10, she steamed into range, along with the battleship Idaho and three destroyers. There, she replenished fuel and ammunition and then returned to Kwajalein, where the invasion fleet was assembling. Tennessee, Colorado, and the cruisers Mobile and Louisville steamed into their bombardment positions east of Roi and Namur on 1 February and resumed firing at 07:08 before the marines landed later that morning. does not retain your payment information if you make a purchase. The blast disabled all three guns of that turret. Tennessee placed first in 1922 and 1923 for accurate shooting among units of the Battle Fleet, and she earned the Battle "E" award in 1923 and 1924; during this period, her commander was Captain Luke McNamee. And two of her 5-inch guns were removed in Boston followed, and while route. April 1940 uss tennessee battleship crew list was built by the Japanese were defeated by Spruance 's carrier force in the hull be..., while the second crashed through turret three Japanese air attack anticipated attack did participate. On 1 April the Marshalls, began on 31 January launched her Kingfishers officer! Okinawa, arriving there on 12 August began in April 1940, built., Virginia, arriving there on 26 November and entered the dry-dock Anguar and the. Strafed the ships ' anti-aircraft batteries on this website & # x27 s. Of battleship Division two Anguar and resumed the bombardment there defeated the next day their. 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